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Kenny wrapped his arm around butters shoulder they seemed pretty close.
"Woah is that Butters and Kenny? They look really close then before." Stan said noticing.
Kyle looked a tad bit closer, "I know I'm not crazy... that's Kenny's jacket, but it's around Butters.
They thought for a second but as soon as the realization hit they gasped.
"WAIT- KENNY AND BUTTERS? Wait just a damn minute what did we miss?" Kyle said mind blowed.
Stan was about to explain the signs as they continued to watch them walk but Kenny turned to Stan's window seeing both of them. Kenny grinned and made a peace sign and Butters looked over to see what Kenny was seeing.
"SHIT THEY SAW US-" Stan said as he tried to back himself up from the window- falling out of his bed.
Kyle ducked down and closed the blinds.
Kenny stared at Stan's window for a few seconds, "Hah! I haven't seen those 2 in a while." Kenny picked his teeth.
"Oh gee- me neither, but why are Stan and Kyle hiding? Butters said concerned.
Kenny shrugged his shoulders not paying any attention.
Kyle and Stan covered their mouths as Stan laid on Kyles lap, finally Stan peaking up to peer at the window to see if they were still their he turned his head back.
Kyle covered half of his face as he turned away trying not to make long stares at Stan.

"Dude you alright? My bad for laying on you I was just trying to make sure they couldn't see us." Stan said Scratching his Blondish- Black hair.

"Oh- uh yeah it's alright dude." Kyle said nervously. Stan sat next to Kyle as he could tell he was nervous.
"I never knew Kenny was gay, I already kinda knew Butters was gay, you could see the signs." Stan stared at the ceiling.
Kyle added on, "I don't know dude, I wouldn't say Kenny is gay if he really took a favor into drawing females body parts, but I guess this would make him Bisexual right?"
Stan chuckled teasing Kyle, "Wow don't you know a lot.

Kyle stood up, "Well I think I'm gonna head out Stan, Cya."
"Alright man, Bye!" Stan waved Kyle out.
Kyle walked out as he chewed on his finger nail, "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

Kyle turned the lights on as he walked upstairs to his room and shut it tight, pacing back and forth again. "Why was Stan laying on my lap-? Why was he... kinda. What the fuck man." Kyle covered his face in embarrassment.
"Sure I've dated plenty of girls, they all just went and broke my heart anyway. All I've wanted is someone to just stick besides me... for once." Kyle thought to himself.
Kyle kicked the box next to his bed, "These feelings are platonic. If someone were to stick besides me I would feel the same. I don't like Stan. Nuh-uh."
Kyle laid on his bed and stared at the Ceiling, Staring at it made him think of Stan because he'd do it a lot, Kyle turned to the wall but thought of him laying next to Stan.

"I've got to do something about this, to block out these cursed feelings. It just isn't right, Stan just got out of a relationship with Wendy and I'm always gonna be the Helpful best friend."  Kyle felt sorrow within himself, he just took in everything Stan felt, if Stan was in pain he was. He continued to help Stan every single step of the way asking Stan for nothing.
Soon sadness turned into anger. Overbearing anger that he wanted to take out. Kyle punched his pillow repeatedly replacing it with Cartman and finally felt himself fall back down to the bed.

"This is fucking embarrassing and I look pathetic right now. But I wish, Stan would tell me how he really felt about me. Just in a genuine friend way of course- But just for him to console me if I'm doing the right thing or .
not. I'll remain as a friend for Stan, and I'll be okay with that. No matter who else he has in his life, even if we distance."

Kyle thought of his scenarios before finally falling asleep.

Stan turned to look at Kyle, "Kyle? Kyle? You up?"
Kyle lifted himself up before nodding still sleepy a bit.
Words that Kyle thought he would never hear from Stan's mouth just went like a lovely river,
"Kyle, I love you,"
Kyle stared feeling shock but he couldn't say anything.
Stan fiddled with his hands as he stared at the sky, "I know I'm just a helpless drunk- but you really do make me feel things that I just couldn't with just anyone. Is that why I love you so much?"
Kyle felt his cheeks go red but he still couldn't say anything even if he wanted to.
Stan coursed Kyles cheek as he smiled, "Perhaps one day you will feel the same, even if you won't speak to me. If I didn't say this I wouldn't have any peace come to mind."
Kyle reached his hand out to Stan before waking up in his dark dreaded room.

Kyle smacked his face, "Something's gotta be wrong, I'll talk to Mr garrison- Nope. Who do I talk to about this? Agh- I hate this."

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now