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Imma put some Tyde in this comic for u Tyde lovers 💃🕺

"And so here we are, a game for all of us in Colorado, Murder mystery." Damien smiled.

Pip went on to explain, "Each player will be given a card and be chosen to go to a specific location, They have Murder, sherif, and innocent. The Innocents should just hide, and the Shooter, well, you can't trust anyone, can you? The murders job is to kill the Innocents and the sherif in exactly 30 minutes. IF the sheriff dies, however, someone else can pick up the gun to kill the murder.

If someone shoots and they aren't the murderer, well... They are both eliminated. "

Clyde starts to cry, "I just wannaaa go homeee"

Toilken silences Clyde, "We are gonna go home just - just bare with me, okay?"

Clyde sniffles as he wipes his tears.

"Remember, they still have teams, so you can't even trust your teammates, can you?"
Damien cackles.

Everyone's face freezes up as they stare at each other. People are still yelling, crying, or even just giving up with life.

Damien counted down, and the match had finally started.

Nichole said, nervous, "None of you guys are murderer right?"

Clyde and Toilken nodded their head no.

"Nice nice - we should probably hide somewhere, right?" Nichole smiled.

Toilken agreed, "Yea, let's go hide,"

Clyde didn't have the courage to say anything, but then he noticed, his big jacket covering his pockets. There was a gun. He was The sherif.

He still followed alongside them, meeting Craig's group, who wasn't trusting anyone if they weren't in his group.

"W-Well guys, are you Murderers!" Tweak asked, immediately Craig shooshing him.

"Babe, we don't even know if we can trust those guys," Craig said.

Toilken scoffed, "You kicked Clyde out. If anything, we shouldn't trust you guys!"

Red sighed annoyingly, "I shoulda just stuck with the girls, not only am I third-wheeling with my annoying salty cousin, now we have to argue about who's the murder and who's not."

Nichole spoke up, "Well! It's not any of us, We could have killed each other already,"

Craig sighed, "Alright- let's just say you're not lying. What should we do then."

Toilken thought for a second before speaking up, "Well, we should team up. It would be safer anyway. If the murder tried to kill us, they would be revealed.

Tweak agreed, "Y-Yea Craig, we should just agree for right now - it's safer!"

Craig rolled his eyes, "Alright.. But you guys better not try anything!"


"Let's go! I FINALLY managed to find a way out! THANKS TO SOMEONE." Kenny said.

"Shut up Kenny stop being so salty."

Kenny mocked him, "Well whatever man, Since they don't have any doors in this room besides a big glass window, I suggest we use that vent over their."

Stan stared at the vent, "Dude... We are not gonna fit in that."

Kenny sighed heavily, "I don't care that you have been drinking your life away, and now you look like cartman damn near, If you wanna stay in here, be my guest!"

Stan watched Kenny somewhat struggle before finally crawling in the vents, Stan sulked as he followed Kenny into the vent.

Stan coughed, "Got damn- It's dusty in here."

Kenny whispered loudly, "Shut the fuck up-"

They continued to crawl in the tight space until finally falling down into an empty locked room.

"AGH- FUCK-" Stan yelled in pain before Kenny shut his mouth.

"DUDE SHUT UP - That didn't even hurt!"

Stan coughed, "What do you mean that didn't hurt-" That was like about 3 stories, if I could guess!"

Kenny kept thinking why it would hurt Stan then remembered, "Oh right - I'm used to pain by now."

Stan stared for a few seconds, "I should wack you on the head and kill you."

Kenny laughed, "What's the point? I would just come back again."

Stan raised his eyebrow, "What?"

Kenny rolled his eyes, "Man, whatever, you're lucky I carry things to pick locks." He went over to the locked door and started jamming it.


Kenny looked back for a second, "Uh, people like uhm. Shut up."

Stan scoffed as he watched Kenny try picking the lock, finally opening the door.

Kenny looked around, "Ooh cool. I see someone in the distance - I think that's... Oh yea, Cartmans group!"

Heidi complained, "Cartman! You have to tell us what role you are!"

Scott agreed, "Yea Cartman."

Cartman rolled his eyes, "I don't have to tell you guys, nothin'."

Kenny and Stan walked up to the group, and Cartman said, "Oh, thank Jesus, oh, thank him! Please ya gotta team up with us, Kenny and Stan! Heidi's a bitch!"

Heidi yelled, "What did you call me!"

Cartman said, "Oh I'm sorry, I called you a BITCH, a b-i-t-c-h."

Heidi stared angrily, "Fuck You Cartman! I thought we had something special!"

Scott yelled, "Can you guys all cut it out!"

"I'm Scott Malkinson, and I have diabetes. " Cartman Mocked.

Kenny snorted.

"Guys, can you cut it out? What's going on?" Stan asked.

Heidi explained, "Well, They are making us do Murder Mystery - They made us all go in different locations that were inside the building, ME and Scott are Innocents, but... Cartman won't tell us his role, and we can't trust him until then!"

Stan grumbled, "Got damnit. Well, at least it's not one of us. We can tell you that."

Kenny squinted as he looked at Stan, "We don't know that..."

Stan looked at Kenny, "DUDE!"


Toilken patted Clyde on the head, "Why are you so nervous, man? Nothings happened yet. It's only been 10 minutes, and it'll end quickly, alright?"

Clyde still looked like the life had been taken out of him, "I don't wanna die."

Toilken hugged Clyde tight, "You won't Clyde... Trust me,"

Clyde hugged him back as Nichole coughed, "Ahem! Guys, we need to figure out who's the Murder is.

"I bet your bottom dollar it's probably Cartman." Craig said.

Red disagreed, "That would be too obvious, right? Everyone is gonna be suspecting Cartman."

Nichole agreed, "Yea, it is pretty obvious,"

Suddenly, they heard a scream in the distance, It was Bebes group.

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now