𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 [CH.2]

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Cartman stared, What the hell is this?"
The boys rewatched it over again once more while seeing Kyle walk towards the bus stop.
Stan whispered to himself, "Why the hell is Kyle doing this shit again like in elementary? Does he want me to be jealous?"
Cartman sighed, "Well looks like your gonna be losing your boyfriend again... sigh."
Stan said sternly, "Shut up Cartman."
Kyle smiled, "Oh hey guys- Hope I didn't miss anything. I woke up late today."
Stan tilted his head, "No..! You missed nothing." Stan smiled.
Kenny muttered, "Mmph Mmph MmMph mM mm." (So can I tell you guys about how someone flashed me, it was so beautiful-
Stan and Kyle walked together to class and Toilken turned and smiled,
"Hey Kyle- and Stan."
"Oh Hey Toilken!" Kyle grinned as they did a handshake.
"You know Toilken, from elementary!" Kyle exclaimed.
Stan nodded, "Yea I know him, we use to be neighbors and he would hang out at my house from time to time."
Toilken grinned, "It's nice to see you again Stan!"
"Toilken wanna finish that TikTok where we show our outfits everyday for a week? This is the last day." Kyle said and Toilken gave a thumbs up.
Toilken and Kyle waved goodbye to Stan and Stan felt crushed. It was like elementary all over again...
He sat in the lunchroom table with Kenny and Cartman while contemplating his whole enter existence.
"Bro really misses his boyfriend." Cartman said teasing Stan. Stan just picked at his food until Kenny yelled, "MMPH MMPH MMM- MMPH MM MMP MMPH MM!" (You know what! I'm tired of you people, I try everything to make this friendship work but you guys are just jerks!) Kenny took his lunch bag with him and left. Cartman sighed and patted Stan on the back,"He'll come back around, someday, just like my dad!" Cartman grinned.
Stan chuckled, "Even that's expecting too much of a dream."
Cartman yelled,"HOW BOUT' YOU SUCK MY BALLS." Cartman walked away leaving Stan by himself.
Stan threw away his tray knowing he wasn't gonna eat anytime soon, taking this chance to finally tell Wendy how he really felt, and apologizing for everything. This took Stan a while to do, but he couldn't keep doing this to Wendy.
Stan walked to Wendy's lunch table and Wendy smiled softly, "Hey Stan!"
Stan put his arm around the back of his head, "Hey Wendy, uhm.. Can I talk to you alone real quick?"
"Oh yea sure! Bye girls!" Wendy waved her friends off and walked with Stan to the outside of the cafeteria.
Stan took deep breaths until saying, "Wendy I think.. we should break up."
Wendy paused, "Why? I thought we were happy..? At least I was for the time being.."
Stan grabbed both of Wendy's hands,"I wasn't being a very good boyfriend to you.. nor was I being honest to myself for loving you. I have lost interest and I've been faking my well being."
Wendy began to tear up, "It's okay Stan I know, I was being selfish... I knew everything. How you seem different the sudden change in you, I can't even see the real you anymore."
Stan looked at Wendy upsettingly knowing he had crushed her, but he was so unsure what to do, so he spoke a sentence.
"We just aren't like we use to be anymore, we're getting older... things are getting different."
Wendy pushed Stan, "I KNOW THAT! DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT STAN? I LOVED YOU!" Tears rushed down Wendy's eyes. Stan tried to comfort Wendy but she just pushed him away.
"I know I fucked up- I'm sorry-" Stan tried to explain.
Wendy said sternly, "No your not. Your not sorry. Your just a selfish bastard like every single boy in this school." She walked back into the lunch room dumping her tray in the trash can and leaving. Her friends ease-dropping looked at Stan coldly.

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now