𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬? [CH.4]

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Kyle hugged Stan tight,
"I feel the same way, I just thought everyone's the same but not until recently... I just can't help but falling in love with you."
Stan felt his tears drop before hugging Kyle tighter.
Kyle smiled faintly, "Stan it's really hard, to stand behind your shadow.

Stan stared confused, "What do you mean Kyle..?"
Kyle sighed taking a few steps back, "Stan, You could say I've denied my feelings for you, and I've always been behind you and Wendy.
I guess, I knew we were friends and that's all to it, it was wrong for me to ask you any questions at that time man."
Stan stared, "Well it's okay dude, cause now uh- wait what are we now-"
Kyle crossed his arm getting a bit more serious, Uh, Stan we gotta keep this a secret."
Stan lift his eyebrows, "What- Why?"
Kyle sighed, "Because of Wendy and stuff- I don't know but-"
Stan agreed, "Yea let's just keep it private, okay..?"
They both agreed, finally they would be secretly dating, and no one would have to know or care.
The next day at school they would have a few stares but nothing out of the ordinary.
Cartman and Kenny walked down the hall toward Stan and Kyle.
"What's up guys Kenny filled me in about what happened, You two lovebirds at it again?" Cartman teased.
Kyle and Stan felt their soul leave their body,
"Shut up Cartman I don't know what your talking about." Kyle rolled his eyes but in his mind he was stressed."
Kenny laughed, "Fill me in- Oh also Cartman your the only one who doesn't know but I'm kinda like gay."
Cartman stared, proceeded, then received, "What? So everyone just wants to be Tweek and Craig."
Kenny raised his voice, "Shut the hell up man, I'm dating butters." 
Cartman gasped," BUTTERS!? And you guys all called me gay- but I ended up being the straight one? No way."
"Because you are gay, you really act like it Cartman." Kyle rolled his eyes before Stan spoke up, "Me and Kyle are just best friends so can you shut it."
Cartman started yelling slurs, "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! NOW YOUR THE 4 J's! Jinger, Jersey, Jew, And now your jay!"
Kyle yelled, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Cartman coughed as Kenny and Stan watched on the side, "Well excuse me- I'm feeling quite parched." Cartman side eyed as he walked away.

Kenny stared, "Is their something you guys aren't telling me?"
Kyle and Stan began to sweat, "NO- NO we uh. nothing!" Stan said trying to play it off.
Kyle made an excuse, "I never expected you and butters to be dating, it just comes off really surprising, but I hope you guys are doing well Kenny!"

Kenny grinned with his crooked teeth, "Is that why you guys are all werid?- Hah! Well thanks Stan and Kyle, just don't act so awkward alright? I'm gonna go talk with butters, Cya'"
Kenny waved goodbye and Stan and Kyle gasped for air.
Stan whispered, "Why the fuck is that so stressful- I swear I nearly fainted-"
Kyle held his heart, "I'm shocked that this worked so well- my heart is literally beating out of my chest."
Kyle looked at the time, "I gotta go to class Stan." Kyle whispered, "I Love you, Bye."
Stan felt all the stress go away in an instant until realizing, "Shit, I gotta get to class too." Stan ran to class making it just in time.
"Oh why Hello Stan, Care to ask me WHY YOU HAVEN'T BEEN SHOWING UP TO YOUR CLASSES?" Mrs. Victoria said.
Stan stared, "Wait a minute- Principal Victoria?!"

Victoria coughed, "..!.. Uh What do you mean heh... GO SIT DOWN!"
Stan sat down as he looked at the paper and bit his pencil.
Suddenly Stan felt this uncomfortable feeling again, It was Wendy.
Wendy whispered, "I'm so sorry Stan-! I really didn't mean for there to have drama... I just..."
Stan whispered Sternly, "I can't find myself to love you anymore Wendy.  Your the perfect girl to me but, it just isn't the same anymore."
Wendy sighed, "I understand, but can we at least be friends? Please Stan... Give me a chance to redeem myself."

"I-" Stans sentence was interrupted, "WENDY AND STAN, PAY ATTENTION!" Mrs.Victoria yelled giving them goosebumps a little.
Somehow this made Stan feel a little at ease, he can finally rest easy...

Mrs Victoria turned, "GET A AMBULANCE!"
Authors Note: never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and dessert you.

Get cliffhanged 🥸😗😉😫

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now