𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 [CH.2 pg.3]

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Stan flipped around in his bed before sighing largely, it felt as if nothing was real. Too much things were happening and the stress just caused him to stay home. He held onto his pillow tightly as he scrolled through Twitter post before seeing Kyle post a photo of him and Toilken.

"Mmtch.. Shit." Stan stared at the post.
Stan nearly jumped out of his bed when he saw a call from Kyle, picking it up he said hello.
"STAN! YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIVE IT!" Kyle yelled, somewhat sounding joyful.
Stan said questioning, "Dude, What happened?"
Stan felt his face brighten, "Woah really? Thanks so much Kyle- It really means a lot"

Kyle exclaimed, "I'm gonna pass by your house alright? I can't wait to tell you everything- shit I'm more excited then you are right now!"
Stan agreed, "I'll leave the door open just come in and lock it back!"
Stan felt his eyes widen open and smiling eagerly. Stan heard thumps going up the stairs, immediately lifting himself out of bed he turned to the stairs and saw Kyle getting thrown to Stan. Stan and Kyle tumbled to the ground as Wendy's gang stared there angry and frustrated.
"What the hell is going on!?" Stan said sternly.
Bebe walking in front of the large group,
"Well Stan, care to tell us why you broke Wendy's heart?
Stan stared confused before finally understanding what they meant, "It wasn't intentional-! All I said was I lost feelings for her and I have been putting my own feelings aside for her.."
Red yelled, "FUCK HIM UP!" Trying to hype the girls.
Kyle stood up before arguing back, "YOUR REALLY, going to go and gang up Stan because Wendy couldn't handle her feelings? If anything you should be comforting her right now instead of getting involved in this mess."
Stan stood up too, "I'm just wondering how the fuck you guys got here."

The Girls stared knowing the boys made a point, they sighed grumpily. Annie said sulking, "I thought we were gonna kick ass today but Never-mind... BUT YOU STILL MADE WENDY CRY!"
Bebe exclaimed, "Yea! We might not do anything but don't think for a second we're cool with each other."
The girls walked outside as they gossiped about the new thing and Stan stood there startled.
"Kyle you have a lot of explaining to do, especially with how they got in here if the door was only opened for you."

"Cmon let's go to your room and talk about this, The fact Shelly didn't go outside and complain is oddly surprising." Stan and Kyle walked to his room and sat on the bed as Stan listened to Kyle talk about what happened.

"Alright... The girls threatened my brother Ike if I didn't fake a call, Ike's my brother and I can't let anything happen to him y'know.. As soon as you opened your door I was already on my way here- And the girls made sure that I had to do it." Kyle said upset. "But really I apologize Stan..."

Stan patted Kyle on the shoulder, "Nah it's alright dude, I'd take an ass whooping for you any day." They both chuckled. Kyle added on, "Well doesn't this mean the dramas gonna die down? Of course not immediately... but soon right?"
Stan stared at the ceiling, "Yup... Uh I've also gotta tell you something."
Kyle stared waiting for Stan's question, "Yea sure, what is it?"

Stan itched the back of his head, "Well uh- This is kinda embarrassing... I was hoping if we could hang out a little more... Your usually busy with making TikTok's and stuff with Toilken and we've barley gotten to really hang out lately-"
Kyle smiled, "Yea Of course we can hang out dude, Stop being all awkward about it!" Kyle playfully hit Stan on the back.

Stan continued, "So... Wendy's friends didn't walk all the way from school... to here in order to beat my ass right?"
Kyle stopped talking for a moment, "Nah they just came in here for a party."
Stan stared confused, "But why a party in my house?"
Kyle smacked his head at Stan's stupidity, "You may be my best friend but your incredibly stupid."
Stan rolled his eyes, "Whatever... Oh yea- Have you seen Kenny and Cartman? I haven't talked to them in a while ever since my situation started going on Y'know- We just became more distant."

Kyle shrugged his shoulders before Seeing two people walking outside the window,
"Yo' Stan is that who I think that is..."
Kyle pointed.
Stan leaned toward the window, "WHAT NO WAY! HIM AND..."
Authors note: We love cliff hangers 😘

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