Chapter 25

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I woke up on the bed beside Cam, instead of on top of him, like we'd fallen asleep. Which made me wonder if he really did sleep. I stole a glance at his face, and sure enough, he was down to the world. I yawned and turned over, putting myself into a sitting position. Emma had told us we'd meet her kids during the night. Curious, I got up and walked over to the window, sliding the curtains aside. Bright light filtered through the room, and I shut them immediately, not wanting to wake Cam. 

   I slowly turned around, and Cam was awake, and staring at me, "Look's like we've only slept a few hours, due to the brightness still outside, I'd say it's noon." He stated calmly, smiling crookedly at me. Sighing, I opened the curtains all the way, and pinned them in the little pegs to keep them open. 

  I joined him back on the bed, sitting crossed legged beside him, he reached for my hand, and I gladly took it in mine, "Probably, we should go see if the others are awake. I bet they slept, too. Funny, she didn't put a clock in here, not even a wall clock." I shrugged it off, and slid off the bed, still holding onto Cams hand. 

  He pulled me back, gently, but hard enough that I couldn't refuse. I giggled as he pulled me beside him, wrapping his arm around me, "Where do you think you're going, fair lady?" He teased. 

  "Why, Sir, I'm going to check the time, and shove you in the shower like everyone else. You missed your turn." I winked, and tickled him until he loosened his grip enough that I could slip away. 

  He laughed, and got out of bed, following me, "If you insist, Ma'am." He put his hand up, in a salute gesture, and I stifled a laugh, opening the door. Jess stood in his doorway, a few doors down. 

  "Morning, sleepy head, did you have a nice nap? Seems longer then it was, doesn't it?" I laughed at his appearance, his hair was askew, and his T-shirt was twisted to the side. He paid no attention, and stuck his tongue out at me, but answered the question, "I did sleep good, thank you very much. Sleeping on the rough ground most nights for months, then switching to a warm bed like nothing happened, it's really an improvement." He winked, and went back in his room, probably to clean up, and wake up Daniel and Cheyanne. 

  I followed Jess, and Cam tried to follow me, but as promised, I shoved his towards the bathroom, "You're not missing your shower because of me, go, I'll be here when you get out." I pecked his cheek, and he pouted, then leaned down for my lips. I allowed that, shoved him into the bathroom, and waved, shutting the door in front of his smirking face.

     Sighing, I entered Jess's bedroom, where he was no longer, I called out his name a few times, without answer. Cheyanne and Daniel wern't in their bed anymore, either. I started to panic, hyperventilating. 

  Sometimes attacked me from behind, and I inhaled, unable to scream. They shoved me on the messy bed, and started giggling? Jess! 

 "Gotcha!!" Jess managed between giggles. I broke into laughter myself, nervous laughter. 

  "Jess! You can't do that to me!" I yelled at him, and jumped out of the bed, out of his grasp. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully, and strolled out of the room, past a giggling couple. 

   Cam was still in the bathroom, but there was no longer shower water running, he'd be out shortly, so I'd just wait for him in the bedroom, then we could go downstairs together. I cursed under my breath, realizing I had forgotten to check the time. I wasn't going back to Jess' room, so I sighed, and belly flopped on my bed. 

   There was no more hope for sleep, so I just closed my eyes, thoughts running through my mind hundreds of miles an hour. I had no reason to want to answer them all, not until I was home. It's so hard to get those three little words out, seeming meaningless, but meaning the world.

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