Chapter 29

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Casey's POV

   I no longer ran, what was I running to? Jess and the others could be anywhere in this horrendous forest. Part of me wished I could find Avrey, and end this. He was going to hurt us, and since it's been so long, he was going to do it soon. 

  I sighed into the night air, and shivered against the breeze. The day had slowly fallen to a close, and I knew I needed to find a hidden place to sleep. But I kept walking. I couldn't stop now, what would that do for me? 

  I had thought about calling out his name before, many times, but if they were still around, it'd only make things worse. Louis was dead, but there were still men after us. After me. After Jess. 

  My mind wandered to Cam. He had left his father for us, his mother dying, he had nobody else. Sometimes I wish I could have known him longer, been there for him, grown the relationship. Knowing him now, I knew he was hurting. I missed him.

   Jess pushed him out of the way, and invaded my thoughts. Where were you, brother? I need your protection, your ways of positivity, and assurance. I saw his bright smile in my mind, and smiled back. I missed him, too. 

   Twigs snapped under my feet, and the wind invaded my privacy. I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked through the darkened forest. It was very silent, an eerie silence. It terrified me more than I could ever know.

  My mind wandered to my mum. Jess had told me in Camual's cab that she used to sing to us. Apparently she was amazing. I would do anything for a motherly touch right now, even just a smile. It'd strengthen me, make me believe we can get through this. I wondered what she looked like, her features, as Jess described, we're shockingly beautiful, dashing red hair, and a beautiful smile. I couldn't wait to meet her and Aunt Jude. 


Pruedence's POV 

  It was very dark where I lay. I coughed and sputtered. There was a very strong metallic taste in my mouth. I tried to spit it out to the side, but my mouth was too dry. I groaned aloud, and someone gasped close to me. 

  "Prue? Is that you? I thought I was all alone! Thanks goodness, are you okay?" She blabbered and I shushed her, she went silent immediately. 

  "There has to be a way out of this place." I whispered, and tried to stand up. I got about halfway before the chain that was closing around my ankle pulled me back down. I landed on the cement floor with a thunk. 

  I sighed, and Jude shuffled around, "I tried that already, too. Same thing that happened to you, I didn't notice the chain either. What do you think they did to us to even get us here?" She whispered, and I hesitated. She noticed that, and sighed loudly.

  "I don't think we have much hope of getting out of here any time soon." I implied, and she didn't argue. We were stuck. 


Casey's POV

  I somehow found myself lying down around early dawn the next day. Honestly, I had given up hope in finding anyone. Why had I been so stupid, and left the group? Cam must have been back with them, and now they were probably all wandering around the forest looking for silly old me. What have I done? We could have been much closer to home by now. 

  We went halfway across the map, and I go and screw things up. Texas is only three away from California, and since we were probably still on the coast, it'd be months and months more before we hit home. I wonder what mum and Aunt Jude are doing right now? Do they expect us home anytime soon? Do they expect us home at all?

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