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"Let us commend Samual Gene Francis to the mercy of God. Let us be grateful for the life he lived, and not the time he is gone. Let us celebrate his life, and not grieve his death."

  The Priest spoke slowly, and quietly. But all was silent. Except for the occasional sobbing you heard every now and then from close friends, family members, co-workers. My head was down, tears threatened to expose themselves, but I held them in for now.

  Aunt Jude and mom were standing to either side of me, next was Jess, and Cam. I was disappointed to not see Cheyanne and Daniel, but what were the odds of them even knowing he was gone?  

  A women when up to speak, her voice cracking with every word she spoke. She probably knew him well. 

  "If you want to share your words for Sam, share stories, and good times, you may, the offer stands." The Priest left the stand, and all was quiet for a few more minutes. 

  Then I stood up. Aunt Jude gripped my hand, then let it go, I eased past her and onto the small stage in front of the podium.

  "Sam was one of the bravest men I've ever met, he celebrated life to the fullest, and never let anyone bring him down. He cared so much, so much. He wanted to protect myself and my brother with all of his being, and I don't know how many times I thanked him for that, but here I am again, Thank you Sam. For everything." 

  Tears overpowered me this time, and my voice broke, I took a deep breathe, and let them fall, "Sam will always be there, always. He saved our lives countless times, and he will always be remembered in my heart, and in my home, "I gripped onto the podium, "I will never forget him for everything he's done, and I know you all won't, either." 

  I smiled weakly at the onlooking crowd, "He wouldn't want us to be sad, so here is to him. Here is to Officer Sam." I nodded in thanks, and there were murmurs of bravery, and sounds of sobbing.

  I felt Cam brush my arm as I walked by, and I turned to him to smile, then went back to my seat. Mom and Aunt Jude hugged me gently, then the Priest announced to follow him out back for the burial. 

  Everyone grabbed their umbrellas to the side, and followed the Priest outside, "You know, it's good luck if it rains on your funeral, Sam's happy." Jess whispered to me as we walked side by side. 

  I smiled.

   "We therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life." We all watched as the coffin, lined with the American flag and flowers, was lowered into the ground. 

  The officers on the side raised their guns, and fired a blank into the air, one by one, in the remembering of Sam. Jess held my hand, and I lowered my head to his shoulder as everyone walked up to the soil, and threw a rose into the hole. 

  Cam went up, and tossed one in, lingering for a bit, then turned around to stand next to me. I gripped my dress, and let Jess lead me to the rose pile. We each grabbed one, and in turn, we tossed one in, Sammy and Elsa came to stand next to us, and we handed them each a rose. Jess leaned down, and helped Elsa toss one in.

  She was crying, and Sammy was too. He was wiping his eyes on his small tux. I smiled and leaned down towards him, "Your father would be so proud of you, Sammy. You are the strongest man he's ever known, and he loved you so much." Sammy's eyes filled with tears again, and his little arms wrapped around me. 

  "Thank you Casey. He loved you too." I kissed his little head and watched him take Elsa's hand, and walk her back to Lisa. She smiled at me weakly before hugging her kids to her.

  Jess and I walked back to the fading crowd. It was over.

  I walked up to my mom and she pulled me into her arms, "I'm going to miss him." She said, and I smiled, "Me too."

  "Let's go home." She suggested, and Jess, Cam and I, couldn't agree with her more.

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