Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I couldn't speak. I just stared out my window at the endless rows of barn fencing and wheat fields. I didn't understand all of this. I didn't want to understand it. I didn't want to believe it, either. Who was I living with for my entire life if our mother was always in California with Aunt Jude?  Another Aunt I've never heard of, nor met.

  "So, who was that woman I've called 'Mom' for the past ... like 16 years, Jess?" I could easily see him as a 'Jess' now. He not only looked like one, but he was one. He was starting to look more like a Jess then an Austin.

  "Well, we've both been living with undercover cops. It's not as bad as it looks," he said as he saw my face change, "at least we were protected, right? Well, I haven't been calling them 'Mom and Dad' if nobody was around. I called them by their names, Suzie and Zane. Man, one of my friends saw me calling them by that once, it was priceless, they started calling their parents by name too, and guess who got yelled at?" He pointed his free thumb at his chest.

I laughed.

"Ha! Made you laugh. Knew I could. But anyway, I know I should have told you earlier, but knowing that Avrey found out who we were, we couldn't even say goodbye, we had to go. I'm sorry. I know you're going to miss Cathrine." He sighed, patted me on the arm, and focused on the endless road ahead of us.

  "Wait. Who's Cathrine?" I didn't look at him as I spoke. I twirled the ring my 'mother' gave me when I was 10. She said it was passed along for years and years of our generation. I hissed a curse under my breath and twisted the ring off my ring finger, and tossed it out Jess' open window.


  My arms were crossed tightly over my chest. I stared out my window and ignored everything Jess was saying.

  "You can't ignore me forever, Casey." He chuckled.

  "Watch me. And don't call me Casey." I bit my lip, fighting back the words ready to blow out of my mouth.

 "Why not? It is your name..." Jess trailed off, and just kept driving. The sky was starting to turn a bright pink and purple. I didn't really believe he would keep driving if the night got too dark.

  I ignored him again and settled down in my seat for a quick nap.

 My body failed me, when hours later, I still wasn't a bit tired. I sighed and stared at the road again, as it now was pitch black. I didn't realize I had my eyes closed for such a long time. I took a quick peek at Jess, his eyes were half closed, his body looked weak.

  "Whoa, Jess. You look exhausted! Let me drive. You sleep and I'll find us a safe place to rest for the night." My eyes were wide as I took in my best friends/brothers figure. His arms were just resting on the wheel, his head rested back against the blue seat cushion.

  "I'm fine, Casey. Oh, and Cathrine is the cop you were living with." Even his voice sounded tired, I knew he needed rest, and I wasn't going to give up unless he got it.

  "Yeah, I sort of figured that out on my own, thanks anyway. But seriously, let me drive, Jess, you're dead on your feet." I spoke in a hushed whisper, but I spoke quickly. We weren't going to get much closer to California if he fell asleep at the wheel.

  Cop sirens sounded behind us, and Jess pulled over to let him pass. I gasped in surprise when the car pulled up behind us, and the officer started toward us.

  "Jess, he'll arrest us or something if he realizes how you've been driving! Let me over there." I pulled on Jess' arm, and he didn't argue this time, he moved swiftly to the passenger seat, and fell asleep in seconds.

  I waited patiently as the cop stopped in between both cars, picked at something on his uniform, and started toward us again. I looked away from the rear view mirror as he came to a stop in front of my window.

  "License and registration please." His eyes didn't look at me as I pulled open the storage beside my seat. I fumbled in the papers until I found Jess' license. I would just explain what was happening. He'd understand. Right?

  I passed him the license, and watched as his cold blue eyes swept over it. Wait. Cold blue eyes? I only knew one person with those eyes. But maybe I'm seeing things... maybe there are many people that have the same color eyes, right? Wrong.

  His eyes landed on mine, and I knew exactly what I had to do.

  "Officer, you can just give me a ticket or whatever, and we'll just be on our way. You see, my... cousin isn't feeling right, and we're heading to my... grandmothers house not too far from here. We're in a little hurry." I gave him my best smile, and put out my hand for the license. He didn't give it back.

  I was starting to get scared, and very worried. His hand twitched toward his gun belt. I followed his every move.

  "Yes, Ma'am. Let me just go get my tickets. I'll be right back." He smiled. But it wasn't a nice smile. Or a friendly smile. It was the Avrey smile. The cold, dark, needy one. I smiled back, very swiftly, then it left my face as quick as it had come.

 I watched as Avrey headed back to the -- probably stolen -- cop car. I took that chance too shake awake Jess. I was scared, I needed my brother with me. 

   "Wha..?" I clamped my hand over his mouth. He tried to shake it off.

  "Jess! Stop, Avrey found us, he stole that car and is pretending to be a cop, he has your license, he is going to kill us, Jess! He's coming back soon, what do we do?!" I was on the edge, I was hyperventilating now.

 "Cas, calm. Shh. Everything's gonna be fine. I promise. Just drive. Now. Go," He looked behind him and his eyes widened, "Look! He's coming!" Jess ducked and pulled me down with him. The bullets pierced the car, and glass was flying everywhere, as he came running back toward us with the gun in the air. I stamped on the gas and we sped down the highway. We didn't stop until the sun started peeking out from behind the clouds.

  I pulled up in front of an abandoned barn. The doors were falling off, and there were very visible bats going back into the top for the day. It would have to do.

  "Jess, I think we lost him. I'm so tired, can we stop for the night? Please?" I closed my eyes and leaned back against the seat.

  "Yes, I think we should stay in that barn over there. It's not cold out, so that is the best we're gonna get." Jess unlocked his door and opened it. A gust of warm air came in. Suffocating me.

  I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back. 

  "Why can't we just sleep in the car?" I asked him. I opened my eyes, and saw him shake his head.

  "It's too risky. Avrey is probably still looking for us, and now that he knows what car we're driving, this car is not safe. We're gonna have to get a new one tomorrow. But while we sleep, let's get this car into the barn with us. I don't want him to see it." He closed the door, and waited for me to drive it in.

  "How are we going to buy a new car, Jess? We're broke!" My eyebrows raised in confusion.

  Jess smirked.

   "I didn't say we were going to be buying a car..."

 I froze as I took in what he was saying.

 "No, there is absolutely no way I'm going to be stealing a car!"


 HeyHeyHey! What do you guys think? (: I'm super excited about this story. :D Do yaa's like?

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