Chapter 34

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 "Thanks Padmore." I said, taking a deep breath in, then out. The gauze wrap was finally unwrapped from my waist. He nodded, walking away.

  We had sort of a plan, Cam, Jess and I would try and sneak in, see what's going on, really. Then sneak back out, telling them where they were and the forces would take over. This should really be an easy, quick night. But this is US, and I really didn't expect anything to be easy.

  Cam came back to stand beside me, adjusting his belt, obviously proud. We've been equipped with a few... weapons. Each of us had mace, or pepper spray, a walkie-talkie, in case we were stuck and in need of backup, and in desperate cases, a taser. I really hoped I didn't have to use that.

  I smiled at him as he walked up, and he helped me clip on my belt. My waist felt so small now that the gauze was gone from it. He seemed to notice too, as his hands wrapped around me, all the way to my stomach. 

  "Ready?" He whispered, and I nodded, turning around to face him. He placed a kiss on my cheek, "Me? I'm the one with blood on my hands. Are you ready?" I said nervously. He rolled his eyes, "I was born ready."

  "What about your dad? What if it comes to the point where we don't have a choice.. a choice to.." I couldn't finish, but he seemed to understand, "I'd much rather have him behind bars, but if he hurts you, I'd understand if you needed to do anything.. other.

  Cam talked about killing his father almost... casually. I held up my lunch. 

  "Alright kids, it's nearly dark, it's time to hit the road," Sam and Padmore came around the corner, they had their own weapons, except theirs consisted of loud ones. 

  My stomach jumped, and I really felt sick this time. We don't know what's going to happen tonight, and that's what's making me scared. Not expecting something, it terrifies me.

  Jess and Cam walked with me outside to the three police cruisers we had, one for Jess, Cam and I, the other for Padmore and Sam, and the last for backup officers. 

  I tried to breathe evenly as my feet crunched the dried leaves on the ground. I wrapped my arms around myself, finally noticing the coldness of the air. Jess reached out to me, wrapping his arms around my freezing body. 

  "Alright kids, your car will be in the middle, so we'll be ahead of you, leading the way, and the backups will be behind you. The more protection, the better. We're keeping the sirens off for a quiet approach, so he doesn't run.

  "I guess we'll meet you kids there, we'll explain more upon arrival." Sam smiled at us nervously, before tipping his hat, and walking off to the car ahead of us.

  Jess rubbed my arms, "It's going to be fine Casey. Don't worry." He gave me a weak smile, then climbed into the cruiser. I took a deep breath, then climbed in after him, Cam on my heels.

  The cars moved slowly away from the property, and onto the highway. My nerves weren't going to get to me, I wouldn't let them. This was it. This was the end. This IS the end, of this, of the fighting, of this war. It's done. 


  A voice came over the radio, "All right kids, we're going to stay out to the side, where we don't draw too much attention, and he doesn't know we're here, and take off. The policeman is going to escort you to a side entrance, enter from there. Use your walkie-talkie to tell us what's going on, Padmore and I will be on the other side of it. Good luck, kids. Stay safe." Sam's voice cut out, leaving static.

  Cam breathed deeply beside me, but I turned to Jess, "If anything were to happen to me, anything at all, you do not hesitate to get out. Got it?" I said crossly, if I even flickered away from seriousness, he wouldn't listen. He nodded. 

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