Chapter 27

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  Im hoping to finish this book shortly, but Im having writers block a lot lately, and I sometimes just don't know where to go from where I left off, so Im terribly sorry if this chapter is taking so damn long, and others taking longer afterwards.

   Jess' POV 

    The breeze flew up my thin shirt, and I shivered, tensing up, as I curled myself into a ball. The nights were ever so cold, and getting colder by the day. We had to move again, very soon.

  We were probably already past the Texas border, not that anyone cared anymore, we've already broken the law too many times to count. Escaping death, or trying to, rather, really keeps you at wits end. It makes you not care about anything around you. Casey might not know it yet, but it was our job to keep ourselves, and the others alive, which would mean Avrey would have to die. Any way for it to happen, she'd have to cooperate, for even one second if she didn't, it would all be over, but not for Avrey, for us. 

  I shivered again, and my arm flew out to pull Casey closer to me, as she must have shifted away from me during the nights rest, but my arm landed upon the cold ground, it's twigs were breaking underneath my hands, and I sat up slowly, trying to see around myself in the dim darkness.

  "Casey?" I whispered, and the wind whipped around my body, tightening my muscles, and making me chill. 

  "Casey?!" I said, more loudly, and there came no answer. God Dammit. She must have escaped my grasp during the night, she had to have went after Cam. Sometimes, I think her head wasn't screwed on right. Maybe she was dropped too much as a baby, as much as I remember, she was a very careful and quiet baby, never cried much. I mean, I was too small to remember that, most likely. 

   "Cheyanne, Daniel, get up." I spoke louder, over the wind that encircled us now. They each groaned in usion, and Cheyanne sat up first. Daniel still lay on the ground, but looking more and more eager to sit up as his body twisted into an uncomfortable position.

  "I have pains where I don't have parts." Daniel grumbled into the ground, and I rolled my eyes, "This is serious. Casey is gone, and Cam hasn't come back yet."

  "What?!" Daniel shifted over to his back, then sat up, glancing around us as the night slowly shifted into day.

  "My guess is she went after Cam, and went the same direction he left in, but she would have been back by now, don't you think? Cam was probably on his way back as she left, they should both be back. Here. With us. Safe and sound." I was mumbling, and I twisted to my knees, and stood up, still looking down at Cheyanne and Daniel as they took in what I was saying.

  "Yes, you're right, they should be. But how do you know you didn't wake up to her leaving, but it being too dark for you to see her walk away." Daniel suggested, and Cheyanne nodded along with him, as she, too, stood up. 

  Daniel remain on the ground, awaiting my response, "I know because I called her name, with no reply." I grumbled. 

 "What if she didn't want you to know she was leaving. She wouldn't have replied either way." Cheyanne whispered, almost scared to look at me, so she went with Daniel, and put out a hand to pull him to his feet. He complied, and seconds later they were all walking in the direction Cam and Casey had left in. 

  "What good does following them do?" I murmured, and Daniel glanced my way, raising his eyebrows, "To find them, maybe?"

  "God only knows where they are!" I exploded, and Daniel took a step back, raising his hands. I gulped, but didn't apologize. I knew I meant it. I closed my eyes, and opened my mouth. I meant to apologize, but I meant it. I wanted to apologize, but I meant it. 

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