Chapter 46-Got My Baby Back

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Mia's P.O.V.

Everything was going great, it was poperfect.

Carl and I were happy and I was going to tell him today i was ready for him to come back and was ready to get off this stupid break.

"Carl." I say softly as I walk into our cell.

"Yeah?" He asks as he looks away from his comicbook.

"I love you." I say as I look down at my feet.

"Yeah yeah love you too." he says sounding like he didn't care as he goes back to reading his comic book.

I frown "Oh.." i say disappointed.

His stupid comic book is more important then my love for him I guess.

I quietly sat down in the corner of the cell.

Carl looks at me "What's wrong?" He asks.

I shrug "I just thought you would be happier to know that im actually telling you I love you again, but I mean wh-what ever." I say trying not to sound too sad or disappointed as I rub my arms up and down.

Hayes came in with a happy Nanny. They new my plan which was to tell Carl I love him. I thought he would say I love you too in a happier way and actually care then I could tell im ready for us to get off this dumb ass break.

"So Mia already told us what would be goin on! You excited bud?" Hayes smiles at Carl.

"What the hell are you talking about Hayes?" Carl asks.

Hayes and Nanny look at me confused " didn't go as planned." I whisper.

"Why?" Hayes asks.

"I said I love you and he just kept looking at his comic book and said yeah yeah love you too." I frown.

Hayes looks at Carl. He walks up to him and rips the comic out of Carl's hands "Hey! Hayes what the hell?" Carl says as Hayes rips it into two.

"She is trying to get you two off of this stupid god damn break and you don't give a shit!" Hayes yells as I mess with the promise ring Carl gave me just yesterday.

Carl jumped off of the bunk and ran towards me tripping in the process but getting back up and and kneeling down in front of me.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't know. I... I thought we were still acting as just friends." Carl tells me quickly.

"Please baby. Please say I didn't screw everything up." Carl begs.

I smile as i open my legs and pull Carl towards me. My hands find their way their favorite spot in Carl's soft hair.

Carl presses his forehead against mine "I love you." he whispers then crashes his lips onto mine.

Carl places his hands on my back as I kiss him back. Carl squeezes my back lightly as he licks my bottom lip.

I gasp and pull back "Oh my god. Im so sorry! I shouldn't have done that!" Carl apologizes. I shake my head.

"Just make them leave." I whisper.

"H-Hey can you guys....give us some time alone?" Carl asks as I kiss his cheek.

Nanny smiles "Fine but be good you two!"

"Promise we will." I say as they leave.

Carl looks at me "I wanted to t-try something new." Carl tells me

I nod "I can tell." I say with a giggle.

"Can we... just see how far we are comfortable with going?" Carl asks nervously. "I mean we would obviously stop before sex if your worried about that"

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