Chapter31-Lil Ass Kicker and Feelings

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*Continuing That Day*

Mia's P.O.V.

I sat next to Carl who has been sleeping for only twenty minutes and has woken up from a bad dream three times in the last twenty minutes because of what happened not even two hours ago. He woke up crying and scared. I of course had to calm him down. Mom left with Daryl to get supplies for the baby about ten minutes ago too. I sighed as i watch Carl move around in his sleep. He continued this for a while. Carl eyes shot open as he whimpered. I sigh "Carl everything is okay.Were okay baby." i whisper. Carl hugged my waist with a nod. "So?" I ask. Carl shrugs and i roll my eyes, Thats all I've been getting. Shrugs, frowns, and nods. Thats it and honestly it was driving me freaking crazy! "What do you want to do Babyboy?" I ask. Carl shrugs. "Are you hungry?" I ask. Carl shrugs. "Are you tired? Do you want to go back to sleep?" i ask and yet anther shrug from Carl. "Do you want to talk?" I ask. Carl shrugs for the billionth time. "Do you wanna go see your new little baby sister?" I ask. Carl shrugs once agin. I wanted to freaking rip out my hair by now. "Can you at least talk to me Carl? Please!" I say harshly. "I cant fucking take the shrugs, and the nods, and the frowns please just talk to me!" I beg. Carl frowns and turns around to where he was laying on his side and facing the wall not me. I grabbed at my hair and groaned in frustration "Carl i cant help you if you wont talk! Baby please say something!" I beg. Carl stayed silent and I shake my head "Silence. Of course. I should've...... I should've known" i say with a slight laugh. I stand up "Where the hell are you going?" Carl asks quickly as he sits up. I look at him "I cant just sit here anymore. If you wont talk to me and wont let me help you then ill go see if i can help your sister." I say as i fold my arms over my chest. "No Mia." Carl stops me as I'm about to walk out of my cell "Please don't leave me. Im sorry i just.... I just don't know what to do I feel so lost please don't leave me!" Carl begs in tears. "Please kitten." he begs. Kitten. He had to use Kitten on me. Damn that word always gets me along with baby, babygirl, princess, and babe.I nod "Fine." i say. I sit down next to Carl and he pulls me onto his lap. My legs wrap around Carl's waist. "Please don't shut me out. Your making me scared." i tell Carl. Carl looks at me "How am i making you scared?" Carl asks his face full of concern. "Your not talking to me and I'm scared your gonna shut me out." I explain. Carl's mouth falls open slightly as he tired to think of what to say. "Babygirl I will never shut you out." Carl reassures me. "I need you just as much as you need me. I can't shut you out." Carl tells me. I nod "Okay" i say. Carl kisses my lips "I love you babygirl" Carl whispers to me in my ear. "I love you too babyboy" I whisper back to him. Carl smiles as i press out foreheads together and hold Carl's cheeks in my hands. I rub my thumbs over his sticky dried up tear cheeks. "We should get you cleaned up." I tell him. Carl nods "Yeah." he says. Carl places his hands on my hips "In a little while though. I like this." he whispers to me. I smile as Carl puts his hands under my shirt and rubs little circles on my hips with his thumbs. "Is the baby okay?" Carl asks. I nod "Mom told me when she came in to tell me she was leaving that the baby was perfectly healthy." I say. Carl nods and kisses my neck softly "Thats good." he says in between kisses. I close my eyes "Are you gonna be okay?" I ask Carl. He nods as he continues to leave little kisses all over my neck. "Ill be as okay as ill ever be in a situation like this." Carl sighs as his lips leave my neck and end up on my lips. Carl kisses me "Carl what are you doing?" I giggle as i pull away. "Showing my babygirl all the love she deserves." I smile as i hug Carl's neck. He was doing this because he wanted to show me how much he cares and loves me, but it was because he feels bad about being mean to Lori then her dying and he doesn't want that to happen to me. He wants me to know he loved me when I die, but the thing is Lori knew and still knows Carl loves her dearly. "You know I know you love me Carl." Carl nods "I know i just-" Carl says and i cut him off "You think your mom doesn't know how much you really love her and now that you cant tell her your scared that one day that'll happen to us and you want me to know how much you love me." i say with a nod "Carl i know, but babyboy. Your mother knows you love her with all your heart. She knows Carl. " Carl looks at me "Do you really think she does?" Carl asks and i nod "Babyboy she definitely knows." I tell Carl. He smiles "Now, how 'bout we go see the little one? Im sure she would love to meet her big brother." I say with a smile. Carl nods "O-Okay." he smiles. I bring Carl down stairs and see Nanny holding the baby with Hayes. "Nanny someone wants to meet their new sibling so hand her over." i say as Carl and I walk towards Nanny. She smiles "I don't want to drop her so how do I hold her?" Carl asks. "How bout you sit down and ill hand her to you if that would make you feel better." I say. Carl nods and sits down as Nanny hands me the still unnamed beautiful new born babygirl. I smile at her. She looked so much like Lori. I walk over to Carl "Hold your arms out like this." i say and Carl does as instructed "Make sure you hold her head" i tell him as i put the baby in Carl's arms. He bites his bottom lip as i lay the baby in his arms "And there you have it Carl." i say with a smile. Carl smiled at his new little sister. He started tearing up actually which was really freaking adorable. "She looks so much like mom." Carl smiles. I sit down next to him "Hi. Im Carl, your big brother." Carl says to the baby who was just looking up at Carl. "And this is my girlfriend Mia." Carl says and lifts the baby up a little so she could see me. I smile and wave at the little baby with a giggle. "She is someone who is extremely important to me so I know she will be someone who is extremely important to you too." Carl tells the baby. I smile "Me and Mia are gonna be the ones taking care of you for the most part while our dad gets some..... some things together." Carl says as the baby grabs Carl's index finger. Carl smiles "She so beautiful." he says. I smile and nod "She is. She really is." Carl stared at his new baby sister with the biggest smile on his face. It made me get a big smile on my face. The way he looked at her was so special. "I promise to keep you safe, and to never let you go." Carl whispers as he rocks the baby back forth a little. She yawned and closed her eyes. I kiss Carl's temple "Your such a good big brother." i whisper to him. Carl smiles "Thanks." he says. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. "Do you want to hold her?" Carl asks. I nod "Yeah but ill hold her later. This is to cute to break up." Carl smiles as the baby falls asleep. "Do you think she is for my dad or Shane?" Carl asks. I look at him then at baby. "She has your fathers chin, so she is Rick's, but even if she wasn't actually Ricks. She would still be Rick's because he is the one taking care of her and showing her love. Not Shane" i explain. Carl nods "Your right." Carl says. He looks at me "Do you think you would ever want to have a baby?" Carl asks me. I look at him "If I knew we were safe...... then yeah. Yeah I would." i say. "Do you see yourself having a baby?" I ask. Carl nods "If it was safe." he says. I nod and look at the ground "Carl...... who would you want to have the baby with?" I ask hoping that the answer would be me. "Well you of course." Carl says. I smile lightly "Who would you want to have the baby with?" Carl asks me. I look at him "You." i tell him truthfully. Carl smiles as he wraps one arm around me and holds the baby with the other. I snuggle into his side "My two beautiful girls." Carl whispers. I smile and kiss Carl's cheek. "Your not my only girl anymore Mia. You jealous?" Carl asks playfully with a smirk. I nod "I might just have to kill her" i joke. We laugh "No no no I'm not jealous. I just still expect all those kissies you give me." I say 'kissies' in a child like voice . "No sharin my kissies. No no no I don't do that. Those are my kissies new baby" i say in a child like voice. Carl smiles "Don't worry you still get all your kissies." Carl says and kisses my lips "Mwah" he says as he kisses me. I smile and so does Carl. We just sat there with the baby for a while as Hayes and Nanny talked. I think they have something going on. I mean there could be Hayes was fifteen and Nanny was sixteen. The baby woke up and started crying. "Mia what did I do?" Carl asks worryingly as he hands me the baby. "Carl you didn't do anything she's just hungry." I say and Mom walked in with a bag of stuff "Oh thank god! You came right on time. Quickly fix her a bottle ill feed her." i say. "Hey it's okay baby were gonna feed that hungry tummy of yours i promise." i tell the baby. Mom quickly fixes her a bottle and i give it to the baby. "Is she takin it good?" Mom asks. I nod "She was definitely hungry." I say. Carl watches me "Do you wanna feed her babe?" I ask. He looks at me and shakes his head "It looks sorta complicated" Carl says. I laugh "All you have to do is hold the bottle Carl!" I say. "Yeah but don't you have to like stop half way and pat her back and make her burp and then she like throws up all over you?" Carl asks. I smile "Yes you do have to burp her but it doesn't mean she will throw up on you." I explain. Carl nods "I think ill watch you do it a few times then ill do it." Carl tells me and I nod. Glenn walks in "I went check on Rick." Glenn says. "He's uh..... he is still pretty upset." Glenn says. "Well i would be too he just lost his wife." I say. Glenn nods "He killed every walker in sight." Glenn says with a nod "Every single last one he saw he killed it in pure rage." Glenn tells us. Carl frowns "Is he gonna be okay?" Carl asks me.I nod "Of course he will baby, its just gonna take time." I say. Carl nods "It still hurts." Carl whispers "A lot." He says. "But you some how made it better. I don't understand how you do it." Carl says. "My mother died today and you still managed to put a million smiles on my face." Carl says. "How?" He asks. I shrug "I don't know babyboy,but thats what I'm here for. To make you happy and to give you love." I say. Carl smiles "Thank you." he whispers to me. I smile and kiss his lips "Anytime babyboy." i whisper. My mom smiles at us "My baby girl is growin up so fast." She gushes. I giggle as i pull the bottle away from the baby's lips "Can someone hand me a towel for just incase she throws up?" I ask. Mom gives me a burp rag and i put it over my shoulder then burp the baby as Daryl walks in "How she doin?" Daryl asks as the baby burps "Seems pretty good to me." I say. "Can i see her?" He asks. I nod "You have to feed her the rest of her bottle though." I say. He nods and takes the baby into his arms. He gives her the bottle agin and everyone smiles. Daryl Dixon feeding and smiling at a baby. Never thought I would see this. "She got a name yet?" Daryl asks. "Not.... not yet but i was thinking maybe Sophia, or Andrea, Amy,Carol, Jaquie, Lori." Carl list then shrugs "I don't know." he says. I run my hands up his back and onto his shoulders from behind him. "We'll fine something Carl." i tell him. "How 'bout Lil Ass Kicker?" Daryl asks. We all laugh a little "I think it would be a good nick name, but never in a million years would i think of it as an actual name." Mom says. We laugh agin. "Do you that huh? Lil Ass Kicker? You like the sweetheart?" Daryl asks. I smile and Carl wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Wanna go lay down?" Carl asks as i yawn. I shake my head "No no Im...." I pause and yawn "Fine." I yawn (Yawned while typing this out of no where and im not even tired... damn the word yawn😑😂) "Come on you look tired." Carl says. I shake my head "I dont wanna." I whine. Carl picked me up bridal style "Come on kitten." he says. I wrap my arms around his neck "Nooo i wanna stay up with everyone!" I whine. Carl smiles "Your like a four year old sometimes i swear." Carl shakes his head "But you still love me." i say. Carl nods "I do." he says and I smile. "Im gonna go put this one to bed." Carl says. Mom smiles "Okay. Goodnight Mia." Mom says. I smile "Night Mommy!" I say in a child like voice. Everyone laughs "Night Mia." Glenn says. "Night Glennie!!" I say. Carl carried me up to my cell and threw me on the bunk bed. "Rude! You dont just throw girls on their bed!" I say. Carl throws himself next to me "Im sorry baby. Kissie?" Carl asks and puckers up his lips. "Hmmh should i kiss the incredibly hot boy or push him off my bed?" I ask. Carl raises his eyebrow. I kiss Carl's lips then pull away "Both!" I say and then push Carl off my bed and onto the floor. He grabs my arm as he falls which causes me to fall on top of him. We started laughing and got back on the bed "Damn you" Carl says. I giggle and kiss his lips. Carl pulls away and i lay down as i rub my eyes. "Okay lets get you to bed" Carl says. I shake my head "No lets get you cleaned up. You have teared stained cheeks." I say as i trail one of my fingers down his cheek. Carl kisses my forehead "You stay here and get some rest and ill go get cleaned. Okay?" Carl asks. I nod "Okay but wake me up when you come back. I wanna cuddle with my babyboy." i say. Carl smiles "Will do. Now goodnight princess." Carl says. He kisses my forehead as he pulls the blankets over me "Oh! Before you go can i get your pillow?" I ask. Carl gives me a weird look "Why the hell do you need my pillow?" Carl asks obviously confused. "Because it smells like you and its not easy to fall asleep with out you anymore so if i have your pillow which smells like you maybe it will be easy for me to fall asleep" i explain. Carl shrugs "I guess yeah. Ill go get it." Carl says. I smile "Thank you babbyyy!" I sing as Carl walks out of my cell. He comes back seconds later with his pillow. "Now you give me one of yours." he says. I nod and hand him one of my pillows. Carl hands me his pillow and i yank it from his hands. I pull it to my chest and take a big whiff of it. I smile "Yep smells like my babyboy." I say. Carl smiles and i giggle "Yeah you need sleep your acting a lil childish and giggling a lot. You only act a lil childish and giggle this much when your tired." Carl says. I nod because that was entirely true. I close my eyes "Goodnight princess." Carl whispers to me then i hear him walk out of my cell. I slowly fell asleep but woke up a few hours after to Carl and Hayes talking. "How do you know shes the one for you?" Hayes asks as Carl plays with my hair. "Man today my mom died, and I still had a smile on my face for some of the day after I had to shot my mom." Carl says. "Do you know why i had a smile on my face?" Carl asks. "Because of her. Because of Mia. She can make me smile no matter what and she is just so sweet and, loving and just everything I've ever wanted in a girl. Man shes my dream girl." Carl explains "Wait no. She is ten times better then my dream girl actually." Carl says. I tried not to smile since I was suppose to be sleeping. I don't like listening to other people's conversations but, come on how could I not listen to this? "I love her to bits and pieces. She's my princess and i love her. God I love her. I dont know what i would do with out her. Shes there for me when I'm at my worse. When no one is there she is. No matter how fucking mad, or sad or depressed i get this god damn girl always knows how to make it better" Carl says. "I just wanna rip her to shreds sometimes because of how fucking amazing she is to me! Oh my god it makes me feel so horrible that I can't tell her thank you enough because of what she has done for me." Carl sighs "Ive never felt like this towards anyone ever before." Carl kisses my cheek "She's my baby girl and I will always love her. I know we are young and that i shouldn't say yeah shes the one but Hayes can I be honest with you?" Carl asks. I frown. He doesn't think im the one. Of course he doesn't. Why would he think a foolish little girl like you would be the one? "Yeah. You can tell me anything Carl." Hayes says. "I think she's the one. I honestly think shes the one. I mean...... look at everything we've been through together and everything we do together. I really really love her Hayes." Carl says as i turn to my side to where i was facing him. I of course still had my eyes closed. I wrapped my arms around Carl's neck "Is it bad that i know she is the girl for me? That i know she is my true love is it truly that bad, because everyone makes it seem as if it is. Ive heard them talk about me and Mia and I've heard them say no matter how close we are we wont last because were so young." Carl says as he wraps his arms around my waist. Hayes sighs "Do you truly think she is the one?" Hayes asks. "Thats the thing Hayes I don't think I know!" Carl stresses. "Then fuck everyone else. Man this is your girl! Just don't screw up with her and everything will be fine!" Hayes says. I nuzzle my face into Carl's neck. "Screw up and Lil Ass Kicked will be the only girl in your life, but make the right decisions and i swear ill never leave your side." I whisper as i open my eyes. "You were listening the entire time
Huh?" Carl asks. I frown "Im sorry. It's just you were being so sweet. I know it's wrong and i promise i wont do it agin because i know it's wrong, and now tour probably mad and-" i say quickly and Carl cuts me off . "Hey, hey it's okay. Im not mad. Im actually glad you heard it." Carl says. I smile and kiss Carl. "Well now you know my true feelings." Carl says and bites his bottom lip. "What do you think about..... about the true love thing?" Carl asks nervously. "I think that you are the one for me and always will be honestly. Your my true love and no matter what happens i will love you forever no matter how mad i get at you i cant stay away from you. My god Carl i can't even sleep with out you i had to get you to give me your pillow!" I say. Carl smiles and kisses my lips. "So now we both know our feelings towards each other" Carl says and i shake my head "No im not done." i say. "You've done so much for me Carl, and i cant thank you enough. You make me so happy every single day. You never leave my side and when i need you your right there ready for anything and everything to help me with. I honestly cant thank you enough for that baby. Your the most sweetest, kindest, handsomest and loyalist boy i have ever meet and I'm so lucky to be able to call you mine." I say. I kiss Carl's lips and slowly pull away "So lucky" i whisper. Carl smiles "I love you so much and i cant thank you enough for everything you've ever done for me. You've been there through thick and thin for me and i know that your my true love. I know it. You make everything better in my life and I honestly don't think i would be here today if it wasn't for you. Carl your my everything and I love you so much. Words can't describe how much I love you. It literally kills me that i cant show you much i love you. I try but i feel like its not enough all the time." i say. Carl smiles "It's more then enough Kitten." He says. I smile "Thats my feelings." I say.Carl smiled at me and we just sorta smiled at each other for a little while "You keep her, and don't you ever let her go." Hayes says. "And if you decide to leave her. I call her because damn she even got me wanting her because she seems like a good loyal girl." Hayes says. I smile and Carl hugs me tightly "My babygirl." Carl says. Hayes nods "I know. I know." I smile and kiss Carl's lips "Don't worry. Im yours and yours only babyboy" I say and Carl smiles. Hayes stands up "Im gonna go get some rest." He says. Me and Carl nod and Hayes leaves. Carl who still had his arms tightly wrapped around me pulled a blanket over us. "How do we always end up talking about our feelings?" Carl asks. I shrug "I dont know but i like it. I feel like it brings me and you closer." I say as i snuggle into Carl's chest. He nods "It does seem like it brings us closer." Carl says. I nod and sigh. "Lil Ass Kicker is gonna need an actual name soon." i tell Carl. He nods "I don't know what to name her." He sighs. "It'll come to you." I reassure Carl. He nods "Do you still believe in heaven?" Carl asks. I nod "Of course." i tell him. "I don't think heaven is real, but there is.....something like it." Carl says. "And that some place is nice and all of our family and friends are there." I tell Carl. Carl nods "Thats right." he says. I look at him and smile as i notice he went go get cleaned like he said he would. "I went wash up like you said. It was quite refreshing and let me clear my head from a few things." Carl says. I smile "Well thats good." i say with a smile. Carl laid his head on my chest and closed his eyes. I raked my
hands threw his hair as and closed my own eyes "Night Princess." Carl says. I smile "Night Babyboy." I say. Carl slowly fell asleep and i stayed up for a little while longer and just thought about how the next few days were probably gonna be. We hadn't even talked about a schedule for feeding the baby yet, i think mom said she would feed the baby though just to make sure everything was okay. Lil Ass Kicker is gonna be okay though. I know she will. Shes gonna be our new goal that will make us all keep going. Lil Ass Kicker is only gonna bring us closer, i know it.

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