Chapter One

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Authors Note: So obviously this is not a canon compliant storyline. It somewhat falls between season 3 and season 4. If you follow me on tumblr you know I was so unhappy with the storyline we got, and I stopped watching. This story comes from a plot bunny and a single chapter typed out in my notes app at 3am (it's chapter 7) I have taken some liberties in filling in the blanks of things we don't know and never got. I hope you stick around and love this story as much as me. New Chapters weekly, most likely Sundays! 


"And I can go anywhere I want, Anywhere I want, just not home"
My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift

The click of the deadbolt unlocking echoes through the empty hallway as she breathes a sigh of relief, dragging her suitcase over the threshold she glances around her apartment, taking a moment for herself before an ear splitting siren fills the room and probably waking half of Santo Padre with it.

"Shit" she groans, using her suitcase to prop open the door, she fumbles for the light, flicking down the alarm system, she punches in the first code that pops into her head. The system flashes red.

"Fuck" she exclaims as she sees both doors of her two neighbours open simultaneously out of the corner of her eye.

"What do you think you're doing?" the stern voice of her elderly neighbor cuts through the alarm.

"Hey Mrs Whitlock, it's me, Valentina, I've forgotten the code" she calls out trying to smile at the old lady.

"It's 3am young lady, turn it off" she exclaims, before slamming her door shut.

Pinching the bridge of her nose she turns to the other apartment across from her, a short, thin blonde woman stands there in an oversized t-shirt and a sleep mask pushed up on her head.

"I'm so sorry" Vee apologizes profusely.

The blonde sleepily nods her head and closes her door, sighing, Vee turns back to the alarm system, punching in every birthday she can think of, none of them shutting the alarm off. She knows that if she enters the code incorrectly one more time, it will alert the police. Her fingers hover over the keypad.


The light flashes green and silence fills her ears. Closing her eyes she presses her head against the wall.

"What the fuck am I doing?" she mutters to herself, as she pushes herself up and grabs her bags. Throwing the keys in the tray, she locks the door behind her and re-engages the alarm.


The sun is harsh as it streams into her bedroom, rolling over she shoves her face further into the pillow, two hours of delays, one six hour flight, another three hours in the car and the small time difference has completely fucked her over. But instead of drifting back to sleep the list of things she needs to do starts creeping in. Vee groans as she rolls onto her back, looking up at the ceiling, dust drifting through the air. She groans again as the pressure on her bladder becomes unbearable forcing her out of bed, as her stiff muscles protest the sudden movements as she stumbles into the bathroom. After a long hot shower, some deep stretching and getting ready for the day, she starts to feel somewhat human. as she starts to head for the door, making a mental note of all the stuff she needs from the store.

Driving down main street she takes in the boarded up stores, noting the ones that are still open. A familiarity settles deep in her bones, that's the thing about small towns, they hardly change.

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