Chapter Four

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Authors Notes:  Thank you to everyone who has read and left votes! I am so thankful for you!
Please enjoy this midweek update.

As Always you can find me on socials;
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"I didn't know if you'd care if I came back, I have a lot of regrets about that. Pulled the car off the road to the lookout, Could've followed my fears all the way down"
This is Me Trying - Taylor Swift

"Are you actually here to find Miguel?"

"You know normal people knock" she says, turning the page in her book, not looking up.

"I am not interested in your bullshit mood Valentina, answer the question" his voice is rough.

Her eyes glance up and she flinches at the sight of him, his dark henley and jeans covered in dark patches, his cheek turning a delectable shade of purple, and his eyebrow split open.

Pushing herself off the couch without a word, she stalks past him, her shoulder gently brushing against his arm, the wince he lets out isn't missed by her as she enters the kitchen.

Making her way back to him, she holds out an ice pack, his knuckles red and bloody as he takes it, gently pressing it to his cheek as she takes her place back on the couch.

"Yes I am here to find Miguel '' she finally answers, his eyes scrutinizing her, a shiver passing through her, she had forgotten the intensity of his gaze, of what it was like to see herself in those gold dusted eyes.

His fingers twitch as he sighs, reaching into his back pocket he pulls out a beat up book, tossing it to her.

She catches it, looking down at the title, she sees it's Harry Potter, glazing up at him puzzled.

"Chapter thirteen might be of interest to you" he tells her, turning on his heel, a moment later she hears the door shut behind him.

Thumbing the worn copy she opens it, seeing her name scrawled in the top corner, a soft smile tugs at her lips as she wonders where he found this, she had assumed it was lost, or shoved in a forgotten box in the basement.

Flicking straight to chapter thirteen 'the very secret diary' she sees a note wedged between the pages, her brother's messy scrawl looks up at her, a list of numbers that appear to be some sort of code.

Tossing her own book to the side she reaches forward, grabbing her laptop off the table as she starts researching what the numbers could mean.


"Jesus Christ" Vee mutters as the newly familiar site of Nestor lounging on her couch shakes the last of her sleep from her brain, turning back into her room, and grabbing a pair of leggings she had tossed on the floor the previous night, she quickly pulls them on and storms back out.

"Give me your key" she says stepping in front of Nestor holding her hand out. Her eyes scanning over his body, happy to see the swelling in his face has started to go down.

"I don't have a key" he replies smugly, his eyes slowly roaming up her body.

"Obviously you do" she demands as she opens and closes her hand, in the give it to me motion.

He snorts, reaching around her legs, his arm lightly brushing against her thigh causing her to jump, electricity flowing along the spot he brushed.

Sitting back he holds up a coffee cup "I brought a peace offering" he tells her as he hands her the cup.

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