Chapter Fourteen

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TW: This chapter has graphic depictions of violence and torture. Please take care of yourself. 

"And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed too"
All Too Well - Taylor Swift

Vee's eyes slowly open, her mind and body sluggish as her blurry surroundings start to clear. A wave of confusion and fear hits her as she finds herself in an unfamiliar room. Harsh concrete surrounds her, the windows high above the floor, the smell of gasoline and something sharper, she can't quite place fill her lungs.

Vee tries to move, she can taste cotton in her mouth, the roughness of a makeshift gag rubbing on her lips, her body uncooperative as she feels the tight burn of ropes on her wrist and ankles. She tries to look around the dimly lit warehouse for an escape, or any clue of where she is. Panic welling in her chest.

She tries to recall the last place she was, her memory blurry, unsure of how long she was unconscious for. The memory of her and Nestor's fight slowly coming back to her. Fear and desperation consumed her. All she can think about is dying, the unknown of who took her and why overwhelming her, sweat starting to trickle down her spine. Vee begins to focus on her breathing, calming her racing heart.

After what felt like an eternity, the sound of footsteps broke the silence of the room. A door creaked open, and a man entered the room. She watches him warely, her eyes roaming over him, trying to find something familiar. No older than herself, he is dressed in a dark suit, with tattoos snaking out of his collar and up his neck. As He crouches down in front of her, she notices a blurry tattoo under his left eye, faded from sun exposure. A jagged harsh scar runs from his right ear to his top lip. His face twisted into an ugly snarl.

He rips the gag out of her mouth, "Well, well, well, look who's awake," his voice raspy.

Vee gasps for air, the sound reverberating off the walls around them her throat was dry and sore.

"Please... let me go," she managed to croak out.

The man chuckled. "Sorry, sweetheart, I can't do that. The boss is looking forward to seeing you."

"Who is your boss? Why am I here?" Vee asked, her voice firmer than she felt, she tilted her chin up, refusing to show fear, if today was the day she was going to die, she was going to face death with her chin held high.

The man just grinned and shook his head. "You'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, I suggest you behave yourself." With that, he replaced the rag in her mouth and left the room, leaving her alone, trying to piece the puzzle of why she was taken, and where she was.

Soon the warehouse is cloaked in darkness, her body screaming in pain, every nerve lit up like a firework, her hands and feet lost feeling hours ago, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't escape her bounds.

The door opens again and the same man from earlier enters, this time accompanied by two other armed men.

He rips the gag out of her mouth, gripping her jaw he tilts her head back forcing her mouth open. Vee tries to struggle but she is unable to gain any momentum. A moment later cool water pours down her throat, soothing the deep ache, she says a small prayer in the hopes it's not drugged.

Her captor finally releases her jaw, her head lolls forward, hitting her chest.

"The boss wants to speak with you" he states pulling a cell phone from his pocket, she watches as he hits dial, holding the phone out in front of his face, the glow the only light in the room.

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