Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope that your days are full of love and laughter. And for those who are stuck in situations that don't, I hope you are gentle with yourself and find a moment for peace.this is my last post for 2023! I hope you all have a safe and happy new years and I will see you in 2024! 💕 love you x


"So Samson blamed Delilah but given half the chance I, I would've made him weaker too"

History of Men - Maisie Peters

Vee sighs looking down at the stack of paperwork on her coffee table, her laptop open as she stretches out. No one ever warned Vee how much paperwork came with running a cartel, it was twice as much as she dealt with at the practice.

"Fuck" she mutters out loud as she digs through the paperwork on her table, finding her phone. She hits dial on one of her only favorite contacts.

"You know it's 1 am right?" The smokey voice groans down the line as it connects.

Shit im so sorry, I didn't realize it was so late. I'll call you back tomorrow" Vee rushes out.

"I'm awake now just hang on a sec"

Vee listens to the hushed words and the sound of blankets rustling, a door latching and footsteps down a hallway.

"Alright I'm back" Alex groans with a yawn the familiar sound of her boss making tea filters through the phone "it's been awhile."

"Yeah" Vee responds quietly, silence falling between them. Her phone softly vibrating on her cheek, pulling it back she accepts Alex's facetime request, a moment later her eyes land on Alex's shockingly bright pink hair piled high on her head, her smooth pale skin glowing under her soft kitchen light.

"You look like shit" Alex says with a soft laugh.

"It's been complicated being back here," Vee replies "I'm sorry for just leaving and not giving you an answer on when I'll be back."

She watches as Alex stirs her tea contemplation filtering across her face "keeping secrets will do that."

Vee pauses staring through the phone at her boss, Alex cocks an eyebrow before sighing "look, you're entitled to your secrets, god knows I have my own. But Vee I say this firstly as a friend and secondly as a therapist you use your secrets to push people away, you're so afraid of getting hurt you don't let anyone in, and that isn't healthy. You even keep Liam on the outside and that man would kill for you."

Vee blanches, her mouth growing dry "you know about Liam?" she whispers.

Alex fixes her with a pointed look "I grew up in the same neighborhood Vee, everyone knows Liam"

"I didn't know"

Alex sighs blowing on her tea "you wouldn't because you don't make an effort" Alex sighs again "look I am not saying this to be mean, its coming from a place of love, I spent the past five years trying to get to know you, to be more than your boss but here we are, and somehow you're still calling me at 1am and your face looking like that, so I am asking you as a friend what's going on Vee?"

"My family isn't who I told you they were, my brother is" Vee bites her lip as her voice trails off, trying to find a way to delicately explain it, how to explain her absence, how to explain her face. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Miguel Galindo, head of the Galindo cartel, presumed dead by the FBI but since you're in Santo Padre looking for him, my guess is a little less dead and a little more missing"

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