Chapter Sixteen

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"And it's a long way back from seventeen, the whispers turn into a scream"
Bored to Death - Blink 182

"Hey, how you feelin?" Blair asks with a soft smile on her face as she slowly closes the glass door, blocking out the sound of hospital.

"Like I got shot" Vee deadpans.

Blair's laugh tinkles throughout the private room, as she moves gracefully around, checking her vitals and making notes on her chart.

Vee watches the petite blonde as she moves, her hair piled on top of her head in an effortless messy bun, and her face clear from makeup. Vee had never seen anyone make scrubs look good, but somehow Blair did. Over the past few days since she woke up, Vee had heard snippets of conversations from the other nurses, most singing Blair's praises. Blair had this natural warmth that instantly made you feel safe. Vee had experienced first hand and she was grateful that Blair was on her care team. Some of the nurses had been cold and rough with her, and she had a sinking suspicion that it was due to her family name.

"So I have some good news and some bad news." Blair says, cutting off the rest of Vee's erratic thoughts. Vee watches cautiously as Blair rests on the foot of bed. Her demeanor is calm, but her bright blue eyes hold tension as she looks down at Vee.

"I'm a bad news first kinda girl" Vee groans as she tries to move, the pressure behind her ribs exploding.

Blair just shakes her head muttering something under her breath as she helps adjust the bed into a sitting position and adjusts the pillows behind Vee's head.

"The good news is you're healing quickly, the gunshot wound shows no sign of infection and the swelling on your face is starting to go down. Your back is still a little bit of concern but fresh skin is starting to grow back, lowering the risk of infection. Doctor Sanders wants to X-ray your ribs again later today to make sure they didn't miss anything with the swelling."

Vee dips her chin in a nod, the best she can manage in her current state "and the bad news?"

Blair bites her lip, taking a deep breath to steady herself "The cops are here to talk to you, I'm so sorry I tried to hold them off for as long as possible."

"It's fine" Vee tells her with a weak smile on her face "I know the hospital had to report this, I got shot."

"Do you want me to stay while they interview you?" Blair asks concern written across her face as she reaches for Vee's hand, threading her fingers through hers.

"No, it's okay, I don't want you to be tied to me in any way, it won't do you any good in this town."

Blair nods understanding written across her face "alright I'll go tell them they can come in, but they only get ten minutes then you need to rest more."

Vee watches as Blair moves towards the door "Hey Blair?" she calls softly after her "thank you"

Vee watches as she turns a soft smile on her face "that's what friends are for."

Vee watches as the blonde bounces out of the room, a soft smile on her face, again saying a silent prayer of thanks to whomever was responsible for the blonde coming into her life.

Taking a deep painful breath she mentally applies her armor, forcing herself to focus on the moment in front of her. She hears the door slide open for the second time in moments and out of the corner of her eye she watches as the officer walks into her room, Vee flinches as the blonde trailing him.

"Good afternoon Miss Nott, I am Officer Matthew Anderson and this is special agent Amanda Clarke, I was hoping to ask you a few questions." He says as he comes to rest at the foot of her bed.

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