Chapter Twenty-Five

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"And I know, in my heart, hurt people hurt people, and we both drew blood, but, man, those cuts were never equal"

The Grudge - Olivia Rodrigo

Her fingers push down on his throat, the faintest flicker of a pulse coming through.

"Get him in my shower, I'm going to get Blair" Vee states, pushing Miguel into Nestor's arms.

"Vee" Nestor starts as he pulls Miguel into his arms.

"Don't question me Nestor, just do your fucking job" she commands her voice dripping with venom as she stands, her fists clenched. Her anger sobering her up, as she watches Nestor dip his head, picking Miguel up and moving towards her bedroom.

Once out of sight she looks down at her hands, stained red, she quickly wipes the bloody mess on her dress, before closing the door and darting across the hallway, fear welling up inside of her as her knuckles rap against Blair's door.

"Please be home" Vee mutters as she holds her emotions in, knowing that right now nothing else matters but Miguel.

The door swings open, Becketts large frame obscuring her view into Blair's apartment.

"I need to talk to Blair," Vee says, squaring her shoulders, bracing for a fight. Whatever Beckett sees has him moving to the side, grunting an agreement.

"Hey" Blair says surprised as she walks out of her bedroom in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants covering her body, Blair quickly wraps her hair up in a towel, Vee glances back at Beckett before turning to Blair.

"I need your help, I found the thing I lost" her voice firm, sounding far away in her mind as she struggles with her emotions flowing through her. Standing on the edge of a cliff, one more thing threatening to push her over the edge.

Blair's eyes grow wide, her demeanor changing from bright and bubbly to serious with the snap of her fingers, Vee watches as Blair hurries over to her TV unit, grabbing out the supplies she needs and shoves them into a bag.

"Alright let's go" Blair says, jumping to her feet, marching across the room, stopping in front of Beckett, his frame blocking the exit.

"Where do you think you're going bumblebee?"

"Move" Blair growls her spine straightening, fixing Beckett with a glare "this is important"

Sighing, Beckett steps aside letting them exit, crossing the corridor they enter Vee's apartment. Pausing in the entryway Vee turns to Beckett, her icy gaze fixed on him.

"I don't give a shit who you are, you breathe a word of what you see in this apartment to anyone and I will bring the full force of the cartel down on your ass, am I clear?"

Beckett smirks down at Vee as his gaze flickers to Blair, Vee watches from the corner of her eye as Blair dips her chin, Beckett nods.

"You have my word that I won't tell a soul"

"He's in my bathroom" Vee mutters to Blair, she watches as her friend pulls her hair from the towel tossing it on a barstool and pulling her hair up into a messy bun as she crosses the apartment slipping into the bedroom.

Vee and Beckett slowly follow "I can see why your name is whispered in certain circles" Beckett murmurs "the first Galindo cartel queen lives up to her fiery reputation"

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