Chapter Ten

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"You remember gettin' drunk on the outskirts of this town, When I gave you all I had but it still let you down?"
From Austin - Zach Bryan

Groaning as she lifts the last of her groceries into the trunk, she slams it down, grimacing at the storm brewing in the distance.

Her short drive home had felt like a race against the clock to avoid it, but it was too late. As soon as she pulled up at her complex and put her car into park the rain had started, thick, heavy drops drenching everything in its path.

Vee cursed under her breath as she scrambled to grab her groceries, and made a mad dash for the entrance of her building. She was quickly drenched head to toe, struggling under the weight of her bags and keeping her balance on the sidewalk.

"Here let me help you" an unfamiliar male voice calls out over the howls of the wind. He ducks past her, using his key to open the lobby door and ushering her in.

"Thanks" she replies, brushing the water out of her eyes, looking up at the man in front of her.

A young man, maybe in his early twenties, stands in front of Vee with wavy blonde hair and striking green eyes, and a wide but mischievous smile, his shoulders broad and covered by a flannel shirt and a Sons of Anarchy cut. Her eyes grew wide at the cut.

"What a crazy storm" he says, taking no notice of her shocked face, as they head towards the elevator where he holds the door open for her again.

"You're not wrong, it feels like it came out of nowhere" she replies laughing.

"Which floor?" he asks, grinning at her.

"3 please" she asks, watching as he presses the button.

"Me too, must be my lucky day" he says with a wink.

Panic starts to well up in her chest, she tries to remember if the Sons have bad blood with the Galindo's, would he even know who she is? Vee tries to remember those stupid self defense lessons José made her take just in case she got kidnapped but her mind goes blank.

Even though it had been two weeks since her meltdown, her body still felt weak. She had no idea if she would even have the strength to fight him off if he attacked her.

"Here we are" , his words interrupting her train of thought. She blinks twice, trying to think of a reason not to get off.

"Oh you go ahead, I forgot something in my car" she says lamely trying to wave him off.

"It can't be that important, it's pouring rain, you may as well wait until the storm ends" he exclaims.

This is it, this is how I die she thinks to herself, panic completely overtaking her.

She manages a weak smile, wondering if she screams loud enough Mrs Whitlock will hear her over her shows and call the police.

Trudging out of the lift she follows him slowly, surprised when he stops in front of Blair's door, he quickly unlocks the door, before slipping inside he wishes her a goodnight.

Vee hurries into her apartment quickly locking the deadbolt behind her, dropping the groceries on the bench, grabbing out a wine glass, she pours herself a large glass, taking a deep swing, trying to calm her racing nerves and settle her shaking hands.

She tops her wine glass up and heads into her bathroom, the cold from the rain and her nerves chilled her to the bone.

Turning on the water to scorching hot, she quickly strips off her wet clothes.

"Shit" she mutters, racing back into the kitchen grabbing her phone, she types out a quick message to Blair.

'There was a tall blonde guy that went into your apartment just now, he had a key but just wanted you to know, I've never seen him before'

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