Chapter Five

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TW: This chapter discusses a very major plot point from S1. It doesn't go into detail but Nestor talks about killing the nun.

"For twelve years I've held it all together, But a night like this is begging to pull me apart"
Seventy times Seven - Brand New

Vee snuggled deeper into the blanket fort she had built on her couch, the open balcony doors letting the cool wind carry the fresh scent of distant rain into the room. Ignoring the chill, she absentmindedly scrolled through her phone, trying and failing to stop her mind from drifting to the raven haired man plaguing her every thought.

Her eyes snapped to her apartment door as the lock clicked, and as if she had summoned him with the sheer will of her thoughts,

Nestor strolls into the room, surprise flashing behind his eyes. Placing his index finger on his lips he silences her.

She watches as he pulls a small black device out of his pocket and begins to sweep the room, she watches him puzzled. He spends the next twenty minutes moving room to room, fiddling with the device in his hand and his cell phone.

Finally stopping he takes a seat on the lounge next to her, tucking her feet under her, she rests her back against the arm of the lounge, facing him.

He gently presses his thigh against her leg. The lightest of touches sending shockwaves through her system.

She watches as his fingers fly across his phone screen, before turning it to show her.

'Someone has installed cameras on the balcony but there are no bugs'

She rolls her eyes "because I installed the cameras"

"You installed security cameras?" He asks, cocking his eyebrow at the thought.

"Not me, a friend of a friend"

She watches as his face contorts into annoyance.

"You let a stranger in here?" He hisses "how do you know that they weren't compromised?"

"Because I trust the friend" she cuts him off "also the cameras are closed circuited and only upload to my personal cloud account which is super secure and can only be accessed by two step authentication "

His face changes to one of surprise.

"I'm not an idiot, Ness."

"I never said you were. When did you have them installed?"

"after you told me about my ATF visitor"

He groans, kicking his feet up on her coffee table, tipping his head back and pinching the bridge of nose.

Vee watches the steady rise and fall of his chest

Her eyes drifted over his dark black Henley clad chest, coming to rest on his face. Weariness etched around his eyes, and the bruise on his cheek is showing signs of healing. His knuckles were red and raised, like he had been in another fight recently.

Her fingers twitch with desire to reach out and comfort him, to soothe the stress lines imprinted on his face. Instead she clenches her fist, trapping the desire within, pushing it down.

"Right, what are we going to do about that little problem?" He asks, his hands falling to his side, momentarily brushing against her knee. His head turned towards her.

Vee sighs, fiddling with the edge of her blanket, her fingers start to unravel a loose thread.

"We," she says pointedly, "are not going to do a thing about it. She's determined to bring Miguel down, there is still a lot of heat on him, we cannot make rash decisions that may prevent him from coming home."

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