Chapter Twenty-Two

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"And we both know that I'm not over you, and I know I don't say it but I love you too. And it's starting to make sense."
Leave you in the Dark - State Champs 


Throwing open her door, she's surprised to see Blair standing on the other side, clad in her pajamas, her blonde hair messily piled on top of her head. holding a bottle of Jack in one hand and a bottle of tequila in her other. Vee's stomach curls at the sight, her hangover from the other day had only just faded. 

"Hey" she says, sadness and something else she can't quite place radiating out of her friend "I brought drinks" 

"Come on in," Vee murmurs, giving her a soft smile, something telling her this wasn't a social call. 

Following Blair into the lounge room Vee watches as she drops onto the lounge, holding out the bottle of tequila. Laughing Vee sits at the opposite end, taking their usual positions of top to toe, Vee watches as Blair opens the bottle of Jack taking a deep swing and wincing at the burn. 

"I have a problem," Blair starts, her face tight. 

"How can I help?" Vee asks softly, taking a sip of her drink, wincing at the slight burn of the tequila coating her throat. 

"My father heard about what happened to you and he's worried, so he's sending me a babysitter," Blair says bitterly. 

"oh babes, I'm so sorry, can I do anything?" 

"you can help me to get ridiculously drunk. I really don't want to deal with this"

"Is one of your brothers coming?" 

"No" Blair responds darkly "It's much worse"

"How much worse?" Vee asked, her voice laced with concern. She watches as anger and sadness flash behind the blonde's eyes. Vee's hand reaches for Blair's, squeezing it in solidarity, letting the love she feels for the woman flow through her. 

"Daddy dearest is sending Beckett" Blair says with a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Ahhh" Vee says teasingly, a smile spreading across her face, recognising the familiar annoyance in Blair's tone, one she often uses when talking about Nestor  "and what is your history with Beckett?"  

"That obvious huh?" Blair takes another swing of her drink "Beck was a prospect when I was a teenager, and baby Blair had a tiny little crush." 

Vee laughs, shaking her head "and adult Blair?" 

"Adult Blair would climb that man like a tree, unfortunately, he just sees me as an annoying kid sister, and daddy dearest would cut his dick off if he tried anything." 

"Well you're in good company" Vee mutters while taking a swing of her drink. 

"Speaking of, where is Nestor tonight?" 

Vee grimaces taking another deep drink, the alcohol warming her "I think he's giving me some time to cool off" 

Blair cocks her eyebrow "What are you two fighting about now?" 

Vee scrubs her hand across her face sighing "Do not freak out" 

Blair's mouth falls open dramatically "Me? Freak out? Never" she says sitting up leaning forward, excitement radiating off her, Blair's cheeks flushed with alcohol and excitement 

Shaking her head "he beat up my fuck buddy and when I confronted him about it I was annoyed." taking another swing from her bottle Vee feels the alcohol rushing through her, the lack of food she's had today combined with the alcohol making her instantly tipsy. 

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