Team Party

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When we were in the changing room after the game Beth had the idea of a team party at our apartment. To celebrate my debut and for the first game of the season.

I couldn’t really say no as she was throwing it in my honour. It was late already so we decided that we would do it tomorrow night instead.

Time skip to the next night.

We had done our recovery session this morning. Me and Beth decided to go home and set up for the party tonight. I cooked some party food and Beth got some drinks out. After that we both went and moved the furniture around in the living room so there was enough room for everyone. We still had plenty of time before the party so we sat down and had a coffee while chatting.

Beth said “I feel like me and you haven’t sat down just us in ages”

I said “I know. It’s weird considering we live together”

“Yeah it is” she said

I asked “How are things going with you and Viv”

“Actually really well. I might ask her to move in. Will you be ok with that?” Beth asked

I replied “Beth it’s your apartment. You can do what you want”

“No Dan it’s our apartment. So you need to be ok with it” Beth said

“I’m more than ok with it. I know you guys love each other” I said

“Thanks Dani” she said

“How’s your Mum doing” I asked

“She is going through treatment. Some weeks she is doing well but then she has her bad weeks as well. I don’t really talk to anyone about her illness except you” Beth said

“I will never understand what your going through but no matter what time it is. If you need to talk about it tell me. I will always be here for you. You’re my best friend” I said

Beth smiled and hugged me she said “Thanks Dani, I love you”

I smiled and said “I love you too Beffy”

We went to go and get ready for the party. I showered and changed into a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and my white air force. When I finished getting ready it was almost time for people to start arriving. I came through to the living room Beth was ready she was dressed similar to me just with black and white low dunks. The door bell rang it was Viv. She came through I hugged her and we were chatting while Beth went to get us all drinks. Beth came back gave me and Viv our drinks and she said “I’ve messaged the group chat telling people to just walk in. I’m gonna put the latch on. Otherwise we will keep on having to open the door”

Viv said “Good idea” I nodded. I put some music on so there was a bit of an atmosphere.

Katie, Lia and Caitlin walked through the door. The place definitely got louder. Katie started laughing and joking with Beth and Caitlin. Me, Lia and Viv went to the kitchen we stood talking together about Switzerland and Holland. I’ve been to both but I always like to hear what places are like from people who have lived in the country. We were actually stood talking for a while, we had all finished our drinks so we got another one and went back into the living room. It was getting louder so we thought that other people would be here. As we walked in, I saw Leah was talking to Jordan and Kim. Obviously I smiled when I saw her. Viv said “You’ve got it bad”

I replied “Guilty. I do”

I looked around and most of the girls were here. I walked around talked to most of the girls. I actually spent about an hour talking to Steph Catley. Since I joined the club, we have been getting along really well and se has become one of my good friends. I enjoy talking to her.

Leah came over to us and said “Hey”

Steph said “Hey, I’m just going to get a drink. I’ll be back in a minute”

Me and Leah both nodded

I said “Hey stranger”

She smiled at me and kissed my cheek “I missed you” she said

“Me to. You ok?” I asked. She seemed a bit off.

She said “Yeah I’m just tired but I had to come. You’re my girlfriend it would look bad”

“You know I wouldn’t of minded” I said

“I know” she smiled at me

“Did you eat” I asked her

Leah replied “Not yet but I will in a bit”

“ok. Make sure that you do” I said to her

Later on some of the girls had had quite a bit to drink. I hadn’t drank much and neither did Viv or Kim. Most of the others were dancing in the middle of the living room. Katie had decided about an hour ago that the music was rubbish so she was now the DJ. Everyone seemed to love everything that she put on but then maybe that was because they were drunk.

Me and Viv were standing by the kitchen door watching the group dance it was actually pretty funny. Most of the time we were stood there taking the mick out of the girls. I looked around to the sofa where Leah was sitting with Jordan. They had been sat there chatting for the last 20 minutes. They were both drunk. Leah still hadn’t eaten anything so that probably made her state worse. It looked like Jordan went to kiss Leah. I looked at Viv and I think she saw it too. Leah did move away. I don’t know what was being said it was pretty loud but I was angry so I went into the kitchen. Viv followed me and said “Are you ok”

I replied “I don’t get it. She’s the one that said that she wanted to be friends and she does that”

“I know. But she’s drunk” Viv said

“I get that but not really an excuse when your trying to kiss someone else’s girlfriend” I said

“I know” Then we heard Beth shout Viv

I said “I’m ok. Go see what she needs”

Just after Viv left the room. Leah came in followed by Jordan. Jordan said “We can’t talk privately in here” She looked at me

I huffed and said “Privately”

Leah looked at me and came over to me and put her hand in my hand. I think she knew that I was angry and that that would calm me down and it did. Leah said to Jordan “We have nothing to talk about. You already know where I stand” she looked at me and kissed me on the cheek. Something she had never done in front of Jordan before.

Jordan said “Fine” she turned around and went back to the other girls.

Leah looked at me and said “I’m sorry”’

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m angry with Jordan not you. I saw what happened” I said

“But I shouldn’t of spoken to her for so long” Leah said

“Le, you are allowed to talk to people. It’s not your fault” I said

She smiled and said “I’m going to go home. I will deal with her tomorrow”

“Want me to come with you” I asked

“I would love that” Leah said.

I found Beth dancing in the middle of the living room. I pulled her to one side and said “Thanks for tonight. Leah is going home. I’m gonna go with her”

She said “Alright. Are you ok?”

I replied “Yeah I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow”

Leah shouted “Dani the Uber is here”

I nodded to Leah. I turned back to Beth and I said “I’ll see you tomorrow” I gave her a hug

“Enjoy the rest of the party”

Leah took my hand and we left. I knew that Jordan was watching but I think Leah did to. She definitely made her point.

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now