Jordan's confession

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I ended the call with Beth and put my phone in my pocket. I turned and looked at Leah.

She was looking at me with her head resting back on the head rest she said “where are you going to go”

I said “I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead”

“I think maybe you should talk to Jordan after everyone has gone. She’s gonna stick around” Leah said

Leah said “Please let her explain”

“ok” I said

She said “are you coming back in”

“Not like I have anywhere else to go is it. All my friends are in there” I said with a smile

We went back into the party I did at least talk to some of the girls. I avoided Caitlin and Jordan though, I wasn’t having an argument in front of everyone.

The party started to dial down. We still had training tomorrow so it couldn’t go too late anyway.

The last ones to leave were wally and Caitlin I said bye to both of them. I hugged wally and then Caitlin came over to me and said “sorry about earlier”

I said “it’s fine. Forget about it. I’ll see you tomorrow” I hugged her and they left.

Me, Leah and Jordan were all sat on the sofa. Leah said “so what now”

I think she was trying to make it less awkward. Me and Jordan looked at her then each other and laughed.

Leah said “I don’t see what is funny but at least you’re laughing together”

Jordan said “your the thing that’s funny. Tried your best to ease the tension”

“It worked didn’t it” Leah said

“that’s true” I said

Jordan looked at me and said “I’m sorry”

“I don’t even think you know what your sorry for” I said

Jordan said “I never meant that you weren’t important to me. Your just different, you and Leah”

I looked confused “I don’t understand what your talking about”

“I care about both of you” Jordan said and she looked down. She then looked to Leah and said “this is stupid. She will never go for it”

I looked at Leah and then Jordan and said “One of you needs to explain because I’m confused”

Leah said “Jordan spoke to me at the start of December she told me she was thinking about moving clubs but she also told me that she would find it hard leaving me but also leaving you because she has feelings for both of us”

“Ok, so what am I not going to go for” I asked

Leah said “I know this could possibly end you and me but I think I need to be completely honest with you”

“your going to tell me you want to be with Jordan aren’t you” I had tears in my eyes. Leah took my hand and said “yeah” I dropped my hand from hers and looked down but she quickly reached for my hand again “I don’t want to lose you Dani”

“You want me to watch you be with someone else” I asked

Leah said “that’s not what I’m saying babe”

I was crying at this point I was so confused. Jordan got up off the sofa and knelt in front of me she said “I don’t just want to be with Leah, I want to be with you as well”

I looked at Jordan then at Leah. Leah said “I want to be with both of you”

“I don’t even know what to say to that” I said. I was still so confused. I was not expecting this at all.

Leah said “we know it’s a lot to process and you will probably need time to think about it”

“What if the answer that I come to isn’t what you want” I asked

“We will talk about that if it comes to that” Leah said

“I love you Le I do but I just don’t know if I can get my head around it. I need to be somewhere else and think”

Jordan said “I understand”

I got up and went to pack a bag. They both followed me and saw what I was doing. Jordan said “I didn’t want this to happen” she was getting upset

I turned around and said “Jord nothing is happening. I just need time to think on my own”

Leah looked upset as well so I said “both of you sit down and listen to me please”

They did both sit on the bed, I continued “I’m not saying it’s a no. I’m saying I need to not only process what you said to me but I need to process my own feelings as well”

They both nodded then Leah said “where are you going to go”

I said “Probably Beth and Viv’s. But I will let you know where I am and that I’m ok”

I walked over to the bed I bent down and hugged Jordan. Then I did the same with Leah she whispered “I love you”

I said “I love you too”

I left the house and got in my car. I called Beth but she didn’t answer so I tried Viv luckily, she did answer. “Hey Dani, Everything ok”

I said “Hey, I’m sorry to call so late. I need somewhere to stay for a couple of days any chance I can stay at yours please”

“Yeah of course. You still have a key right” Viv said

“Yeah, I have one. Thank you” I said

Viv replied “It’s ok. Do you need to talk about whatever has happened”

I said “honestly Viv, I don’t even know what happened I just need some time on my own to think”

“Ok, stay as long as you need to. You need anything call me ok” Viv said

“I will. Thank you” I said

I drove to Beth and Viv’s. I walked in and sat on the sofa. These surroundings were so familiar but it felt like a long time since I had been here.

I got my phone out of my pocket and I text Leah and Jordan.

Dani- Hey, I’m at Beth and Viv’s. I’m ok so please don’t worry about me. I will speak to you tomorrow xx

Leah💕- Thanks for letting us know. Night babe xx

Dani-Night Le xx

Jord-I’m sorry x

Dani-you have nothing to be sorry for. Get some rest ok x

Jord-Ok, Night Dani x

Dani-Night Jord x

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