We aren't each others forever

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We travelled back to St Albans straight after the Brighton game. I haven’t heard off Beth. I sent her a text.

Dani- Hey, how was your day? I thought I would have heard off you. Will probably get back late. I’ll see you soon. Love you ❤️❤️ xx

I sat by myself with my headphones in and my eyes closed. Playing my go to playlist which was one that was sent to me by Leah. I miss her sometimes. I am in love with Beth and I know that I told her that I didn’t love Leah but sometimes I think about her and what could of been. Maybe my feelings for Leah haven’t fully gone but I don’t know what to do with that. I don’t know how to handle it.

The next day.

When I got home last night Beth was already asleep. I never got a reply from her so I know that something is up. I ended up sleeping on the sofa. I didn’t want to wake her and it just didn’t feel right to sleep next to her.

I woke up before Beth and made a coffee. I was sat in the kitchen when she came in. She said “hey”

I replied “hey”

She said “did you not come to bed last night?”

I said “no, I didn’t want to wake you”

“Oh ok” she said

“How was your day yesterday? You never text me back” I said

“Sorry was a long day. I’m just going to make a coffee and drink it while I get ready. I’m running a bit late” she said

I said “’ok. I’ll talk to you later then” I got up and went to get ready myself. I had recovery. She was definitely off with me. I didn’t want to be around her when she was like this. Just as I was putting my trainers on the door bell went so, I got up to get it. I opened the door, it was Viv. She said “hey Dani”

I said “Hi, come in” we walked into the living room. She sat on the sofa and I continued to get ready. Beth soon walked into the living room. She said “hey” and smiled at Viv.

Viv looked at me and said “are you coming with us?”

“Thanks, but I have something to do first so I’ll take my car. But I’ll see you both there” I said

Beth said “are you sure cos I can wait and go with you”

I smiled and said “It’s fine Beth go. I don’t want you to be late. I’ll see you there”

She said “ok” she looked at Viv and said “let’s go”

They both waved at me and left.

Truth is I don’t have anything to do but clearly Beth wanted to go to Colney with Viv.

It upset me a bit. I realised in this moment that I had to set her free. She wouldn’t be truly happy with me. Viv is her person.

At lunch I wasn’t really hungry so I went and sat by the practice pitch just thinking.

After about 5 minutes of sitting down I felt a presence beside me, I looked it was Leah.

She said “not eating today?”

I said “I’m not hungry”

“What’s up?” she asked

“nothing” I said

“How long have I known you?” she asked

“12 years” I said

She said “So I know that something is going on”

“I’m not sure you’re the best person to talk about it with” I said

She said “Beth?”

“Yeah. I think me and her are done” I said

She said “why would you think that?”

“Because of the way she looks at Viv. How she spends a lot of time with her. I have to let her go” I said

“Have you spoken to her about it?” Leah asked

I said “I don’t need to Le, I can see it. Plus, maybe I’m not fully in it either”

Leah looked confused and said “what do you mean?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it” I said

Leah said “you know where I am when you do”

“I do. Thanks Le” I said. I reached over and hugged her. She just held me for a minute or so. I definitely miss this. I moved away and said “I’ve got to go but I’ll speak to you later”

She said “bye Dan”

It’s late afternoon. I’m at home, Beth hasn’t got home yet. She walked through the door pretty late. She sat down next to me on the sofa. She said “you ok?”

I looked at her and said “not really”

She said “talk to me Dani”

“I feel like I have to let you go” I said

“What do you mean?” she said

“You know what I mean. I wasn’t born yesterday. You want to spend all your time with Viv” I said

Beth said “Dani”

I interrupted and said “Beth, All I want is for you to be happy. You can be honest with me”

“I don’t want to hurt you. I do love you” Beth said

“I love you too. That’s why I have to end this. You just need to give me some time to find somewhere to go. I’ll stay in the spare room until I do” I said

Beth said “you don’t have to go. We are still friends right”

I said “Of course we are. But we can’t live together. It wouldn’t be fair on Viv”

“You really think I will get back with her don’t you” Beth asked

“Yeah, I do. I’m telling you to. Don’t think about hurting me. I will be ok” I said.

She hugged me and we both cried. I knew we were both sad but we weren’t each others forever.

After a bit Beth said “I’m sorry”

“There is no need to be. I’m not. I don’t regret us, I never will. I fell for you Beth. It was what we both needed at the time but now you need your forever back” I said

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now