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It’s 3 days after Christmas. Myself, Leah and Kim Little are driving down to Whitby to see Beth and Viv. Leah is driving, Kim is in the front passenger seat and I sat in the back. One of Leah’s playlists is playing in the background. Leah and Kim are talking about Beth’s situation. I am just listening.

Kim said “I wonder how Beth is really taking it”

“Beth is strong. Viv is there to look after her” Leah said

“Yeah, that’s true. I just hope she gets to say all she needs to her mum” Kim said

Leah replied “I’m sure she will”

I have been quiet the whole car journey. I have known Beth for a long time. She’s my best friend and I know that Beth will be putting on a front to everyone. Being her usual self but I know inside her it will be killing her. She was going to lose her Mum and she was home saying goodbye to her.

Leah said to me “Hey, why are you so quiet”

“No reason. Just don’t know what to say” I said

Kim said “It’s going to be hard to know what to say to Beth but all we can do is be there for her”

“yeah, not make her talk about anything that she doesn’t want to talk about” Leah said

We had just arrived in the town. We parked up, we were waiting for Beth and Viv outside the restaurant that we were having lunch at. Not long after we got there. Beth and Viv were coming with Ben Beth’s brother and Ben’s girlfriend was also walking over. We had all met before at some of the England games.

We went inside the restaurant we were seated at a table on one side was Viv, Ben and Ben’s girlfriend.

I was sat opposite Viv, Leah next to me, then Beth and Kim was the other end. It was just a fancy fish and chip restaurant. We all had cod and chips. You have to when your by the sea don’t you.

Beth and Ben seemed in good spirits considering what they were going through. We all talked about what our Christmases were like and what else we did over the Christmas period.

Leah then said “So how are you actually doing”

“We are coping. Being strong for Mum and Dad I suppose. I can see the hurt in his eyes every time I look at him. It’s good for them to have a bit of time without us and also for us to have a break. We want to spend as much time together as a family while we can” Beth said

Ben said “I agree. We just want her to know how much that we love her”

Kim said “I’m sure that she knows that”

I excused myself. Made out as if I was going to the bathroom but I just needed a bit of air. I was outside for a couple of minutes when I saw Beth come out.

Beth said “are you ok”

I said “yeah I’m ok”

“you’re lying to me but I don’t understand why” Beth said

“Because you have enough going on” I said

Beth replied “No, you’re my best friend. Tell me”

“It’s just hard. Being the first Christmas without Mya that’s all” I said

“I would have thought that you would have gone home for Christmas” Beth said

I replied “I have no home to go to. My parents disowned me months ago”

“What, Why didn’t you tell me” Beth said

“Initially I just thought that it was a falling out. I tried to contact them after speaking to Leah about it but they didn’t want to know. They told me never to contact them again” I said

“Leah didn’t know either” I shook my head. Beth carried on “you kept it to yourself all this time”

I said “no, I did talk to someone about it but I asked her not to say anything to you. You have enough to deal with”

Beth said “Viv”

“Yeah, she has become a really good friend to me” I said

Beth said “I’m glad she was there for you”

“Same. I know she is your rock right now. I know you Beth and as much as people say don’t bring it up unless they want to. Sometimes you have to talk about it. Don’t hold anything in. Just like you can see the hurt in your dad’s eyes, I can see the hurt in yours. I know that your making the most of your time with your mum. But treasure it. I’m only the other end of the phone while you are here. So if you want to talk about anything even if it’s something to take your mind off things make sure you call me. I love you, Beth. You are more than just my best friend you’re my family”  

I could see tears start to fall from her eyes. I pulled her in for a hug. I saw Leah about to come outside to us. I’m guessing to make sure we were ok. I put my hand up to stop her, she went back inside. I knew Beth needed to let some of this out.

I held her while she cried. I moved away. I could see her try to compose herself then she said “Thank you, that was definitely something that I needed let out”

I said “you don’t need to thank me. I know you, Beth. I know when your holding stuff in”

She hugged me again then said “come on let’s go in before they send a search party”

I said “they already did. Leah went to come out, I sent her back in”

“well, I’m lucky to have so many people that care about me” Beth said

We went back inside and sat down at the table. Leah whispered to me “everything ok”

I said “yeah it is” and I smiled at her. I had my hand on the table and Leah held it.

Viv looked and said “It’s good to see you two like this”

Leah smiled and said “yeah took me long enough didn’t it”

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now