The end of an era

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Today we were going back to training after our Christmas break. We had an amazing New Year’s Eve celebrating with the Arsenal girls. There were quite a few photos circulating online of me and Leah looking close and the speculation has started. I was determined to not let it ruin my relationship with Leah. It shouldn’t matter that the wider world knows about us. We should be allowed to live our lives the way that we want to. We had both been tagged in these photos so many times but I was proud of the way that Leah was handling it so far. I am proud that she is my girl.

We were asked to be at the training centre for a slightly earlier time than normal. We all met in the chill room. After we were all there Jonas came is and said “welcome back after your Christmas break. Thanks for coming in early. There is some news that you all need to know today. Jordan the floor is yours”

I looked at Leah who was sat next to me and I could see in her eyes already what Jordan was about to tell us. I turned back and waited for the official news before saying anything.

Jordan started “As some of you already know. I have been looking into my options. I need more playing time on the pitch. We have so many great players here that it has been hard for me to get the time that I need. I want to go to the world cup and to give myself the best possible chance. So I have decided that I will be leaving Arsenal. It pains me to do it, my heart will always be here but I have to do what is best for my career. The news will break in a couple of days that I have actually already signed for Villa. I start there in a couple of days”

All the girls got up to hug her including Leah. I just stayed where I was. I know I hadn’t been at the club long but Jordan is an Arsenal legend it will be hard to see her play for another club but also, I felt hurt because she actually told other people she was thinking about leaving and spent time with them to say goodbye but apparently, I didn’t fit closely enough into her friend category. I felt a few tears fall from my eyes.

After about ten minutes the girls were talking amongst themselves. I still hadn’t moved not that anyone had actually noticed. Then Jonas said “come on then girls. Say goodbye to Jordan, we need to start our training session”

I couldn’t so I was the first one out of the door. I went to the boot room to put my boots on and then made my way to the training pitch. I started to warm up. I jogged around the pitch a couple of times before the girls came out, when they did I could see them looking at me and talking. Jonas called me over so he could tell us what we were doing today.

After training most of the girls were in the chill room. I went because I was waiting for Leah.

Leah said to everyone that we would host a get together tonight so the team could say goodbye to Jordan. Everyone was up for it.

As soon as me and Leah got home I took my trainers off by the door and went into the living room and sat on the sofa. Leah followed me, she sat next to me and said “now you know what I couldn’t tell you”

“I think I already had an idea anyway” I said

Leah said “really”

“Yeah, because of the way she was at her last game. She said that some people already knew” I said

Leah replied “yeah, Beth, Viv, Steph, Jen and Katie. Her close friends”

“yep” I said

“what’s the matter” she asked

“Nothing. It’s fine. What do we need to do” I asked. She could tell that I didn’t want to talk about it so she didn’t push me. She said “Get the house party ready and get some food and drinks from the shops” Leah said

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now