The Kiss

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We had a little celebration after the conti cup semi final. It was just a few drinks as we only had 3 days till we play Man City again but this time it’s in the WSL.

Today is the day before our game so we have a light training sessions but rumour has it that Beth and Viv are back for there rehab today. I’ve not really spoken to either of them much. I wanted to give them some space so they had time with Beth’s family. I was so excited to see them I missed them both so much.

After our training session most of us made our way to the gym to see Beth and Viv.

As we walked through the door most of the girls ran forward to hug them but for some reason I hung back. I don’t know why but I just stood by the door. They were all chatting away when I saw that Beth was looking around for someone then she caught my eyes. She waved me over but I shook my head and turned to leave the gym.

I went to the changing room and sat down. Just then someone walked through the door of course it was Beth. My best friend yet for some reason I couldn’t face her. She sat down next to me and said “Hey, what’s wrong”

I looked at her and just broke down. She held me while I cried. Once I calmed down, I pulled away a bit. She still had her arm around my shoulders. I looked at her and said “I missed you”

“Is that what that was about” she asked

I said “I don’t know, I was just so overwhelmed”

“I missed you too Dan” she hugged me again “come one let’s go back”

We went back to the gym and I walked over and hugged Viv and told her that I missed her.

A couple of us decided to go over to Beth and Viv’s after their rehab session.

Leah and I went home to get changed. An hour later we pulled up outside of Beth’s apartment.

Leah looked at me and said “before we go in. I need to talk to you” I nodded and she carried on

“I know there is something going on with you. I need you to talk to me about it”

“your going to think I’m going crazy though because I do sometimes” I said

“Just tell me, It can’t be that crazy” Leah said

I replied “I don’t like the way Katie flirts with you; I feel like she does it even more when she sees that I’m looking at you two when your together”

“I think that’s just the way Katie is. I don’t think she means anything by it. She is just joking” Leah said

“maybe. I don’t know, it doesn’t matter though. It’s not as if you have done something. I just need to get over it” I said

“Shall I talk to Katie and tell her to stop” Leah asked

I said “no. I know I’m just being stupid. Let’s go inside”

Leah got out the car so did I, then we went inside.

We had been at Beth’s for about an hour. The girls that were here were Katie, Caitlin, Lia, Steph, Jen and Kim. We were actually having a good time. Some of the girls were in the kitchen. I was in the living area with Viv, Lia and Kim. Viv was missing football so that’s what we was talking about.

Then we hear shouting coming from the kitchen. We all get up to find out what’s going on. Viv hobbles along as we get there Beth is shouting at Leah and Katie and I can see that they look guilty. Beth turns when she hears other people come into the room. She looks and catches my eyes for a minute then pushes past us to leave the room. I look at Viv who looks at me. I don’t know what to do my best friend was just shouting at my girlfriend I was torn but I could see that Beth was upset so I opted to go after her. I looked around and came to the conclusion that she had gone to her room so I knocked on the door she shouted “go away”

I opened the door and said “I’m not going anywhere” I closed the door behind me and I sat on the bed next to Beth. She was looking down at the floor. I said “Beth look at me”

She looked up and I could see the tears in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug. We were silent for a minute. Beth just stayed sat on the bed with her head on my shoulder. After a bit she looked up at me and said “I don’t want to be the one to hurt you”

I looked at her confused and said “what do you mean”

“Katie kissed Leah and she didn’t stop it” I just looked at the floor with tears in my eyes. I didn’t know what to say. I knew it was the truth because of how upset Beth got about it. Just then there was another knock at the door. Beth got off the bed to open the door, I didn’t even look up but it was Viv. She said “I told everyone to go home, Leah is in the living room waiting for Dani”

Viv must have looked over at me and saw that I was upset so she asked Beth “what happened”

“Katie kissed Leah and she didn’t pull away” Beth said. Viv and Katie were really good friends so I knew what she would say next “Katie wouldn’t do that”

Beth said “I saw it Viv” they started arguing, I couldn’t listen to it so I got up and left the room.

Beth shouted “Dani wait”

“I can’t Beth. I have to go” I walked to where Leah was and said “let’s go home”

She got up and we left. The whole 20-minute car journey home was quiet. Leah drove and I sat in the passenger seat with my head on the window and my eyes closed.

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