Mya's birthday

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I woke up in an awful mood. I didn’t really want to project my feelings onto anybody else today but I know that that will be hard.

Beth had already gone to an early morning rehab session. I wasn’t in the mood to eat but because it’s game day I have to have something. I just made myself a bagel with cream cheese on it and of course I made myself a coffee. I sat on the sofa with them.

I just wanted to relax before the game tonight so I did. I didn’t really have the best sleep last night so I dropped off. I heard Beth close the front door, she walked into the living room an said “hey, did I wake you”

“Yeah, but I probably shouldn’t be sleeping anyway” I said

She said “you tossed and turned the whole night. I’m not surprised that your tired”

“I’m sorry” I said

“Why did you have such a bad sleep” she asked

“I don’t know” I said shrugging.

“I have a feeling you do; I’m going to shower and change. Let me know when you want to talk about it” she said. She sounded quite annoyed. Then she turned and walked out of the room.

I felt bad because I knew what was wrong with me, I just didn’t want to talk about it.

Later on, the game was about to start. I was playing right wing again tonight.

The weather was awful, it was raining heavily. I knew this would be a hard game.

In the 3rd minute Maanum crossed the ball into the box, it falls to me at the back post I couldn’t really get hold of it and they manage to clear the danger.

They had a corner in the 8th minute which led to a free kick for them which we manage to clear over the halfway line. Kim Little gets clattered by Zadrazil. It’s a clear foul but the ref doesn’t call it. Kim is down and she isn’t getting up. She needs treatment, almost straight away the medics tell the bench that Kim isn’t fit to continue so Lotte is getting ready to come on.

Leah takes the armband and also moves into midfield.

We are looking good down the flanks through Maanum and Myself we look like we are well up for this game.

Lotte is booked in the 14th minute after a foul on Magull, I’m not sure what this ref is doing tonight but that wasn’t a booking and it was her first offence.

In the 20th minute Maanum let’s one fly and it goes into the back of the net. 1-0 tonight 1-1 on aggregate.

4 minutes later I am almost in but the keeper gets to it just before I do.

In the 26th minute Stina heads into the back of the net off a cross from McCabe 2-1 to us.

5 minutes later Foord crosses into the box, Leah heads towards goal and it is only inches over the bar.

They have a shot in the 33rd minute but it goes wide.

Stina goes close 2 minutes later after being teed up by Foord.

In the 39th minute we had 2 chances in quick succession. One from Stina and one from Maanum but both were saved by the keeper.

4 minutes later Foord is flying down the left when she is pulled back. Ketts gets booked for this.

Katie takes the resulting free kick; she crosses in and Stina is on the end of it but it’s saved by the keeper. The ball falls to Lotte who is out wide and her cross hits the crossbar.

The whistle goes for half time.

While we are in the changing rooms Leah says to me “Fancy doing something after this, Maybe you, me, Beth and Lia”

“Yeah, can do. We will ask Beth at full time” I said

“ok” Leah said

I still wasn’t in the mood for conversation but I felt bad because of it being Leah’s birthday.

There were many chances for us in the second half and they had a few as well but neither side scored. We won 2-1 over the two legs and we are in the champions league semi-finals.

Later on me, Leah, Wally and Beth just went back to mine and Beth’s to have a drink. Leah sat in the middle of the sofa. Wally sat the one end and Beth sat the other.

I went into the kitchen to get us all drinks. When I came back into the living room, I heard Beth say “she has been in a bad mood all day. I asked what was wrong but she wouldn’t tell me”

“Maybe she didn’t want to talk about it at the time” I said

Beth turned around and said “I’m sorry”

“It’s fine, forget about it. Not the time” I said. I gave everyone their drinks and I sat on the chair. Wally said “Happy Birthday Leah” then held her drink up for us to join in with the toast.

At the same time, me and Beth said “happy birthday”

Then Leah said “thanks guys” then she looked at me and said “maybe it’s time to talk about it now”

I said “I can’t”

Leah said “let’s do another toast then”

I nodded my head, looked up then at all three of them sitting on the sofa and said “happy birthday Mya” I raised my glass. Then they did and they said “happy birthday Mya”

Beth got up and sat on my lap. She kissed me on the cheek and said “I’m sorry. I should of remembered"

I said “I didn’t expect you to, you have had lot on your mind lately. It doesn’t matter”

We ended up watching a movie Beth stayed cuddled into me throughout the whole film.

When it finished, we looked over at Wally and Leah and they were asleep cuddled into each other.

It made me smile, Beth looked at me and said “why are you smiling?”

I said “because that is cute. They look good together”

Beth said “they do, are we going to wake them up”

I shook my head and said “no, we will just put a blanket over them”

Beth went and got a blanket and put it over Leah and Wally. They still didn’t even stir. Beth then looked at me and said “maybe we should go to bed”

I said “good idea. I’m sure someone owes me snuggles”

Beth smiled at me and said “that can be arranged”

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