Reigniting a friendship

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Today we are travelling to St Georges park for the Arnold Clark cup camp.

Jordan was a late call up. I knew that Leah or myself would have to tell her about what happened. I knew she was going to be gutted. I travelled down with Leah and we agreed that we wouldn’t tell anyone about the break up until we had told Jordan.

We got to camp and some people had already arrived, I knew Jordan wouldn’t be here till later because she had a game today. I’m glad we didn’t tell her. She actually scored a hat-trick and was player of the match she was thriving at Villa. I was so proud of her and I knew Leah was to.

I got my room key and went straight there to put my stuff away. I wonder who my room mate was.

I unpacked my stuff and then lay on the bed that I had chose for myself. I was scrolling through tiktok when I heard the door open I looked over and it was Alessia Russo. We had actually never roomed together before. She looked at me and stopped in her tracks. She said “Is this ok?”

“Lessi we are both grown ups, I’m sure we can room together” I said

“Ok, I will stay then” she started unpacking her stuff

I asked “Do you want any help”

“Nah I’m ok thanks” she carried on then she turned to me and said “doesn’t Leah have input on the room shares?”

I replied “I think so. Why?”

“And she was ok with you rooming with me?” she asked

“I guess so” I shrugged it off. I’m not sure what Leah was thinking with this because me and her would have still been together when the room assignments were done.

About ten minutes later Alessia said “I’m gonna go downstairs for a bit you coming”

I replied “yeah actually I will”

I spent the whole of the first night with Alessia and Tooney. I actually had a good time.

We went up to the room quite early as we had an early training session. We got ready for bed in silence. I got into bed first. Alessia turned the light off and lay in her bed. I was just looking at the ceiling. Then Alessia asked “hey, Leah knows right”

I turned to face her and said “about what”

She was looking at me to “about us”

I said “yeah, she knows. Her and Beth were the only people that I told”

“does it feel weird hanging out again?” she asked

“Not really, It’s been 3 years since we were together though. Does it feel weird for you” I asked

She replied “no but I thought that it would”

“Looks like we can be friends after all” I said with a smile, I’m not sure she could see that because it was quite dark.

I heard her smile and then she said “yeah looks like it”

“Night Lessi” I said  

She said “night Dani”

The next day I woke up before Alessia. I showered and got dressed into my training kit. By this time she was waking up. She got ready and we went down to breakfast together.

We chatted while we were getting our breakfasts and I said “Is it alright if I sit with you”

She said “yeah of course” she didn’t even question why. This is what I like about Less she doesn’t need to know why.

We sat down and was just chatting about our club sides. I could see that neither Leah or Jordan was down yet. Our table started filling up with the other Man Utd girls we carried on our conversation.

I saw Leah and Jordan walk in together. They looked at me but I turned away and carried on with what I was doing. They went and sat with Georgia, Kiera and Lucy.

After I finished, I said “I’ll see you guys out there”

Alessia said “I’m finished too. I’ll come with you if that’s ok”

I said “yeah sure come on”

We put our boots on and walked out to the training pitch together. When we got out there, we started passing around. Eventually all the other girls joined us. When we had to partner up with someone me and Lessi partnered up. We had a good session. I had a lot of fun.

We went back to the room to shower and change. First night of camp, we always have a movie night with the whole team. Lessi was ready she said that Tooney was waiting for her so I told her to go ahead and I would meet her down there. Just as I was putting my hoodie on there was a knock at the door. I went and opened it; it was Jordan and Leah. Not sure I was ready for this conversation but I guess we was having it now. I said “come in” and I closed the door behind them.

They both sat down on one of the beds. I just stood leaning against the wall. I was not going to start this conversation. After a minute or so Jordan said “Leah told me what happened”

I looked at Leah and she nodded. Jordan carried on “she said that you moved out on Saturday”

I nodded “when was you going to tell me” she asked

“Me? It had to come from Leah” I said. Leah was sat with her head down. I hated seeing her like this

Jordan said “she’s sorry Dani”

I looked at Leah then at Jordan and I said “I know she is”

“I have forgiven her. I think you should to” Jordan said

I said “it’s not about forgiveness Jord, There’s no trust” Leah looked up at me and I could see the tears in her eyes. This is when I started to cry to.

Jordan said “you still love her. Look at you. You wouldn’t get like this if you didn’t”

I looked at Leah, I knelt down in front of her and said “I always have and I always will. Maybe sometime in the future we will come full circle but I can’t right now. I’m sorry Le, more than you will ever know. But we will always be friends. Like we always have been. I will always be a part of your life” I hugged her and she held onto me tightly.

Leah pulled away and stood up. She said “I am sorry and I understand. I’m glad I’m not going to lose you altogether and I’m thankful for that. I hope that one day in the future I will get to call you my girl again” then she left

I stood up and looked at Jordan and she said “Does me staying with Leah mean that we are over too”

“I think we have to be” I said

She now teared up. I hugged her and said “I’m sorry”

She pulled away. Smiled at me and said “friends”

I smiled back and said “always”

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now