Leah's back

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It’s the day after the Liverpool game. Leah didn’t call last night. I have a recovery session soon and I know that Leah has physio today so we are both going to the same place.

I get ready and then go and make a coffee. Beth and Viv are already up. I sat down next to Beth on the sofa in the living room. Beth said “Are you feeling ok. You don’t look well”

I said “I don’t feel great but I have to get on with the day”

Viv said “Just don’t overdo it” Just then my phone rang. It was Leah. I didn’t even move from where I was, I did not have the energy. I pressed the accept button put the phone to my ear and said “Hey”

“Hey, you just woken up” Leah said

“I have been awake about 20 minutes” I said

Leah said “you sound pretty rough”

“I think I’m coming down with something” I said

Leah replied “Sweetie that’s not good. You going to the recovery session”

“Yeah, I have to. Am I going to see you. I was kind of hoping that I would last night” I said

She said “Sorry babe. My flight got delayed. I didn’t get home until midnight. I didn’t want to wake you but yeah, I’m going in. I can’t wait to see you”

“Me either babe” I said

“I’m going to get ready. I will see you soon ok” she said

I said “Ok. I love you”

“I love you too. Bye” Leah said

“Bye Le” I said  

I wasn’t up for driving so Viv offered for me to go with her and Beth. I was quiet the whole way to London colney. When we got there, I got out. Beth and Viv did to, Katie McCabe came over and was talking to them. I just stood leaning on the car waiting for them. I wasn’t paying attention to what was going on around me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Leah. I didn’t even say anything I just stepped into her and she put her arms around me. We stood like that for a minute then Beth said “Sorry to ruin the reunion but we have to go in”

We pulled away from each other and started walking in behind Viv, Beth and Katie.

Leah said “You actually look pretty awful”

“Thanks” I said with a smile

“What are you doing after” Leah said

“At this rate I’m going home to bed” I said

Leah said “Why don’t you come back to mine”

I said “But you have pride of Britain later”

She said “Yeah, but I would love to come home to you. If you stay for a couple of days. I can look after you while your not feeling well”

“Do you actually want to do that” I asked

“Yeah, I do. You’re my girlfriend it’s my job” Leah said

I said “Ok. I will come back to your place” I smiled at her

“I’ll come find you after my appointment” Leah said

I replied “Ok” With that we went our separate ways.

Beth and Viv were talking about a little get together with some of the girls tonight.

Beth turned to me and said “You up for people to come over tonight”

I replied “I’m going to Leah’s for a couple of days. I’m not feeling up to doing anything tonight. I just want to go to bed to be totally honest with you”

Beth said “Ok, you probably need a bit of time with her anyway after her being away for the week”

“Yeah, I think I do actually” I said

Viv gave me a hug as Leah was coming over to us. Leah said “Hey, You ready?”

I pulled away from Viv and smiled at her. I looked at Leah and it looked like something was up with her. I would just ask her later. I just said “yeah I’m all yours” That made her smile.

“Bye guys” I said

Viv said “Feel better soon”

I replied “’Thanks” Me and Leah left.

We got back to Leah’s about half an hour ago. I got into joggers and the hoodie that Leah gave me and I got into Leah’s bed. She got in next to me. I moved closer to her and put my head on her chest.

I said “I missed you”

She replied with “’mmm”

“what’s the matter” I asked

“Nothing” she said

I sat up and said “Leah”

“You and Viv have got close”’ she said

I replied “Ok but I don’t know what your getting at”

Leah said “I’m not getting at anything. I was just saying”

She clearly didn’t want to tell me what was bothering her so I left it. She would talk to me when she was ready.

“I’ve got to get ready” I nodded. She got up and went in the shower. Her clothes were already ready.

Leah went to the pride of Britain with her Nan. I actually just watched movies in bed until I fell asleep. I felt Leah get into bed. I was pretty tired so only stirred a bit. I was on my side facing away from Leah, she cuddled into me putting her arm around my stomach. I put my hand over her hand and drifted back off to sleep. I loved being here with Leah.

Three days later we had the champions league game against Zurich at the Emirates.

There were a couple of changes in the starting line up. Viv, Jordan and Mana all started.

I wasn’t in the squad. I had been ill all week so I wasn’t well enough to play. Leah went to the game but I stayed at her place.

The game finished 3-1 to us. Jordan Nobbs scored with an assist from Steph Catley. Lina Hurtig scored the other two goals.   

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now