Family feud

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Its the day after the Villa game. I have still been thinking about what Steph and Viv think all after the game last night and I hardly slept last night. I’m surprised that Leah got any sleep at all with the way that I was moving. I knew I needed to talk to someone about it. Beth would usually be the person that I speak to about things that bother me but I know that she is close with Leah as well.

I remembered what Lia said the other day so I text her to see if she was available at some point today.

Leah was going to see her Mum and brother today.

The text conversation with Lia.

Dani- Hey Wally, was just thinking about your offer the other day about talking. Any chance you are free today x

Wally- Hey Dan, Yeah I am. Caitlin is out with Steph so I’m actually free all day x

Dani- Want me to come over to yours or do you want to come to me x

Wally- I can come to yours. Say about 11 x

Dani – Yeah sounds perfect. Will see you then x

I was in the kitchen making a coffee when Leah came in after getting dressed. She put her arms around my waist from behind. I backed into her chest a bit to feel the embrace more. She pulled away after about a minute. She said “You got any plans today”

I replied “Yeah, Wally is coming over for a coffee”

Leah said “Does she need advice again or something”

“Nah I don’t think so. Caitlin is going out with Steph so I think she just wanted some company and I was free so I thought why not” I said

“That’s fair enough. You going to talk to your parents about going down for Christmas, you haven’t seen them in a while and they didn’t come to the Villa game either. How are they doing now” Leah asked

I was leaning against the kitchen counter and I knew this was when I had to tell her. I wasn’t going to lie to her about it. I just hope she understands the reason why I haven’t told her before now.

I took a deep breath and I said “truth be told Le, I don’t actually know how they are”

She looked confused. She said “why”

“Because I haven’t spoken to them since the day of my sister’s funeral” I replied

“Hang on a second. Why didn’t you tell me about it” she asked

I said “because I know that you would of tried to make me talk to them. I know your big on family and you know that before Mya died so was I but they did something that I’m not ready to forgive them for”

Leah asked “What did they do. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to”

I replied “They said that I should of came home from the euros when I found out about her death”

“But your mum told you to stay” Leah said  

“She did. That’s what I said. They weren’t interested in the grief I was going through. I felt like I didn’t matter to them. I still feel like that. They haven’t even tried calling me or messaging me. They actually told me that they wanted nothing to do with me” I said

“That’s why they have been to none of the games. I’m sorry you had no one to talk to about it” Leah said

“I spoke to Viv about it but it was only because she asked about them. I haven’t even told Beth and you know that I tell her everything” I said

“Why haven’t you spoken to Beth” Leah asked

I replied “Because of her mum. She doesn’t need to hear my problems to”

Leah said “So you’re not going to try and reconcile with them. Christmas is coming and it’s about family”

“I have my chosen family that’s all I need right now. I love them I always will but I’m not ready to forgive them. I would rather spend Christmas by myself then see them” I said

“Babe, I get why you have been so upset about what they did but you don’t know how much time they have left. Look at Beth’s mum. I’m not asking you to talk to them but I am asking you to at least think about it” Leah said

I said “I know and it breaks my heart knowing that Beth doesn’t have much time left with her mum but they were the ones that said they want nothing to do with me. What if I do try and contact them and I either get nothing or they tell me they don’t want to see me” I said. I felt tears starting to fall. “I do love my parents but I think the reason why I haven’t tried to contact them is because I’m scared of being rejected by them again. Especially after losing Mya too”

Leah pulled me into her. I completely broke down in her arms. This was the first time that it hit me that I may never have a relationship with my parents. With Mya gone it means I actually have no family of my own.

I calmed down after a bit and Leah said “Maybe I should stay today. I don’t want to leave you like this”

“Le, I’m ok. Please go see your family. It’s time you can’t miss out on. Lia is coming soon anyway. That will distract me” I said to her

“Ok but we will have dinner together later” She said

“Alright that sounds nice” I said

Leah left half an hour later and I decided that I had to take my chance. I knew Leah was right. Family is important. So I sent my mum and Dad a joint message.

Dani- Hi Mum, Hi Dad, I know we left things on bad terms but I would Love to talk to both of you. I miss you guys x

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now