Bathroom brake (Pt1) - Wilbur Soot (ROM)

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Tw: angst, anxiety, small mentions of self hatred, mild swearing
Reader pronouns: She/her
Length: long


Y/n's pov

"Hey Will?" I ask.

Wilbur had invited me to one of his gigs, one that I graciously accepted.

We were sat backstage, Wilbur sprawled across a sofa, hand on his forehead. He was quite tired after multiple hours of playing. The gig had ended at 9 pm so we were all tired.

"Mhm?" He hummed, peering over at me.

"I'm going to the bathroom for a moment." I replied.

"Okay, no worries" he answered.

I got up out of the arm chair that I sat in, across for Wilbur, and headed for the backstage bathroom.

I walked a long corridor until I reached the opening and a sign above it signalling the bathroom.

I took the right hand door into the women's bathroom, opened it and walked through. The door handle was a bit wobbly, but I didn't really take that into account.

Fortunately the bathroom was empty, I didn't do too well with social interactions.

I picked a stall and walked in, closing the door behind me. I did my business and walked out a few moments later.

I walked to the sink, turned on the tap and ran my hands under the cold water.

I peered at myself in the mirror. I always hated my face, no matter what. Sometimes I saw myself as pretty, but very rarely.

That's one of the things I loved about Will, he always told me I was pretty and beautiful, and that I should never doubt myself.

He was always supportive of me and my past. Every time my past would come back and torture me emotionally and physically, he would be there, telling me everything was okay, hugging me.

I had gotten lost in my thoughts. I soon realised my hands felt like blocks of ice from the continuously cold running water.

"Shit" I whispered, snapping out of my thoughts.

I quickly rubbed my hands with some soap and rinsed them off. I grabbed some paper towels and dried my hands.

I walked back to the mirror and edited my appearance, tucking in some strands of hair.

I headed for the door.
My foot accidentally caught on the back of my other, making me trip over. I instinctively reached for the door handle to support me, but as my weight was put on the handle, it broke clean off the door.

As I tumbled to the ground, almost smashing my head into the door, I heard the handle on the other side of the door tinkle as it hit the floor.

"Fuck." I groaned, as I started to rise back to my feet.

I looked at the handle in my hand then back at the door, then the realisation hit me, I was trapped in the bathroom.

I dropped the door handle and tried to push open the door. I tried pushing with my hands and shoulders, but nothing would work, the door didn't budge.

"Shit shit shit shit shit Shit" I mumbled.

I was panicking, my hands had started to tremble, my breathing became irregular.

I was begging that my anxiety stayed calm.

Tears building up in my eyes, as the memories of my parents locking me in my room for days ripped through my head making me more upset.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...

Wilbur's pov

Y/n had been a while, longer than a bathroom break should take.

I peered around the room, hoping she'd walked in without me noticing.


"Hey Joe?" I call.

He was hovering over by the guitar stand.

"Yep?" He replied.

"Have you seen Y/n?"

"Awww, is Wilby missing his girlfriend?" He said in a patronising tone.

"Shut up Joe" I say sternly, though I could feel my face turning a slight shade of pink.

"No I haven't seen her why?"

"She went to the bathroom and still hasn't come back. She been gone for a good few minutes" I murmured.

"She probably just fixing her hair or something. I'm sure she's fine" He answered, turning back to the guitars, sorting out the straps.

I let out a sigh and slumped back into the sofa. Something was telling me Y/n wasn't just "fixing her hair".

A few moments past of me waiting impatiently, when I heard something metal drop on the floor a distance away.

I looked at Joe, he looked at me and shrugged.

"I'm going to go see what that was" I blurt out, rising up out of the sofa.

"Alright." Joe replied not turning away from the stand.

It sounded like it came from the same way Y/n went. I peaked around the corner, not far from where I was sitting, to reveal a long empty corridor.

I looked around and saw nothing. I decided to turn back as I didn't see anything, it was probably a pipe of some sort.

Just as I was turning around I heard a loud bang on what sounded like a door.

I froze. Was someone trying to break in?

"Hello?! Will?! Will are you there?"

I whipped around to face the corridor, Y/n's soft shouts echoed through the concrete hallway.

"Y/n?" I called as I ran to the bathroom doors.

Jesus, that corridor was long.

"William?? Oh fuck. Are you there?" She called.

A/N: sorry for the kinda wonky beginning, I had an idea but I'm not sure if I did it quite right but still it's does get better! Hope you enjoy <3

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