Argument - Wilbur Soot (ROM)

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Tw: arguing and someone gets hit.
Reader pronouns: any
Length: short-ish

Y/n's pov

It was late one evening and I was chilling on the sofa as Wilbur was streaming in his office.

He'd been streaming for over his average time length and I started to worry that he was getting tired and pushing himself to far.

I stood up from the sofa and wandered to his office door. I knock softly as I hear his voice talking to chat.

"One second chat. Come in." I hear him call.

I open the door and peep my head around the door.

"Oh hey Y/n" he says, a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

"Hey. Aren't you getting tired? It's quite late Wilbur. I'm starting to worry-"

"What are you talking about?" He interjected as he furrowed his brow.

"I just mean that you sound tired and I just thought you could use a break.." I say softly.

"Just go back to the living room" he snapped quietly, turning back to his monitor.

I blinked at his sudden tone. "But I just thought-"

"Just- it's fine. Let me be" he answered as he continued to stare at his monitor.

A slight pain in my chest grew. "O-okay.." I mumble as I close the door quietly and make my way back to the sofa.

I slump into it and stare at the turned off TV.

45 minutes later, Wilbur finally ended stream and came down and sat next to me.

"You okay love?" He asked with a smile.

Is he serious? I thought.

"Yeah. I'm fine.." I mumble.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked with a concerned look.

"You snapped at me. You made me feel terrible" I say as I glare softly into his brown eyes.

"Really? Your upset about that?"

I blink in surprise, taken back by what he said.

"Wha- what do you mean 'really'?" I ask a little more upset.

"I just think your upset about nothing" he says.

I furrow my brow in confusion.

"Are you being serious right now?" I mutter.

"Yes I am." He answered in a flat voice.

"Jesus... I was just worried about you over doing it. You looked and sounded exhausted! Sorry for worrying about you." I respond. I could feel a lingering sadness inside me.

"I was fine! You were just paranoid!" He says, his voice slightly raised, "your always so paranoid"

I feel tears prick slightly in my eyes at the hurtful comment. I stand up off the sofa. "What the fuck does that mean..?" I questioned.

Wilbur stands up off the sofa too, taking a step closer to me, "Your always worrying about me! You need to relax! Im fine-"

Wilbur raised his hands up in the air rapidly, his left hand caught my jaw, smacking me accidentally.

I stared at him in disbelief as i pain starting to spread over my jaw and lower cheek. Did he just...hit me?, hot tears were welling in my eyes.

"Y/n-" he said, as his face fell at the realisation of what had just happened.

I quietly run past him and go run into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I slide my back down the door and tears fall from my eyes. I hug my knees to my chest tightly.

"Y/n.. please... open the door... I- it was an accident.." his voice was muffled but I could tell he was pleading.

I don't answer. My mind was racing.

"Y/n, please..." he says quietly

I sigh and stand up, wiping my eyes. I grab the door handle, unlock it and open the door.

I see Wilbur standing close, small tears in his eyes.

"What..?" I mumble.

"I'm so sorry. I- I just raised my hands in the air and it- I didn't mean to. Please, I'm so sorry. You were right, I am exhausted. Im sorry I snapped, I'm sorry I raised my voice at you, I'm sorry I called you paranoid, I realise you just care for me so much, and I'm so, so sorry that I hit you. I wouldn't ever hurt you on purpose. I don't know what got into me.." his words fell quickly from his lips as he apologised sincerely, a single tear falling from his eye.

"I- " I begin but Wilbur cuts me off.

"I do realise that I hurt you. It wasn't okay that I snapped. I was just tired and I wasn't thinking straight.." his eyes locked on to mine, "you might not forgive me, but that okay. I'm just so sorry." He added in a soft voice.

He sounded so genuine.

"I- I forgive you.. just please- be careful next time.." I say softly.

"Thank you Y/n. I'm glad you can forgive me" he answers, wiping his thumb across his eye.

"C-can I have a hug please?" He asks softly.

I nod and I wrap my arms around his chest tightly. He hugged me back tightly as well and rubbed my back comfortingly.

"I'm so sorry.." he mumble again in my ear.

"It's okay. I know it was an accident and you didn't mean to"

Wilbur doesn't answer and we hug for a little while longer.

A/n: Yooo 1k reads what??? Thank you all sooo much <33 I hope you've enjoyed everything so far!!

AND, sorry I haven't been updating recently, I've been completely focused on my school work and stuff. Hope you all understand:)

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