Claustrophobia in the dark - Tommyinnit (ROM)

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Tw: claustrophobia, the dark.
Length: medium
Reader pronouns: she/her

I got inspiration from the scene in Culpa Mía :)

Y/n's pov

One of my friends, Rose, had invited me with some other girls from their friend group; Isla and Cara, round to have an evening get together as she was celebrating her first job. When I say "friends" I mean like I'm the one they forget about most of the time.

I asked them if I could take my boyfriend so they could meet him, but I wanted to take him so I wouldn't feel left out.

"So girls, and boy," Rose began as she looked around the circle we had formed on the floor in her living room, "how about we play a game of truth or dare!" A sly smile stretched across her lips.

"Yess!" Cara and Isla said together. The three of them looked at me and Tom, I shrugged, "sure".

I look to Tommy who was sitting beside me, "yeah I'm not bothered", he replied.

"Brilliant! We will start with Isla," Rose announced, "Truth or dare?".

"Umm, truth." Isla replied.

"Right. Have you ever stolen something?" Rose questioned.


"What? Never? I don't believe you!" Rose cried.

"Well okayy. There was this one time..."

"Hey Y/n?" Tom whispered in my ear, startling me.

"Hm?" I hum in response.

"I need the restroom, I'll be back in a minute."

"Okay" I respond with a smile.

Tom gets up and says to Rose where he was going.

"So now it's your turn Y/n." Rose says as Tom leaves the room, the same sly smile from before.

"Truth or dare?"

"Um, let's do dare." I say enthusiastically.

"Great. I dare you to spend 20 minutes in my coat closet!" An evil smile still plastered across her smug face.

My heart sank. That bitch, I thought. She knew I hated the dark and she knew I had claustrophobia.

"No" I say immediately.

"Oh go on!" Isla pleaded

"No no no. I'm not doing that!" I say as I stand up.

"Oh are you scared?" Rose says with a mocking tone, standing up after me.

My face contorted to a look of disgust and fear.

"I said no Rose!" I say, slowly backing way, waving my arms.

"C'mon! Stop being such a scaredy-cat and do it!" She teased.

"I can't! You know how much I hate it." I continued to back away from Rose, she in turn walked closer to me, Isla and Cara behind her.

My back eventually hid a solid surface. I turned my head to see the only thing I wished wasn't going to be there, the fucking closet.

Before I could process what was was happening, Rose rapidly stretched out her hand, grabbed the closet door handle and swiped the closet open. It was a sliding door, so I practically fell backwards into the closet.

As the coats brushed against my shoulders, my back crashed against the back of the closet and I fell to the ground. Rose slammed the door closed as I began to rise, the darkness engulfing me.

My heart thudded against my chest violently, my body trembling, tears starting the fall from my eyes.

"Rose! LET ME OUT! PLEASE!!" I banged my fist against the door, wishing she would just open the door already, "ROSE! PLEASE! ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY!"

"It's just the dark! It's not like a scary monster is going to get you!" She mocked through a maniacal laugh.

"Rose please! Let me out!!" I screamed, continuing to slam my fists against the door, my voice growing hoarse. I looked around in the tiny space looking for something that could help me, but every time I turned my head, the room seemed to get darker and darker, the walls slowly closing on on me.

I gave up on banging on the door. I backed away, turning my head left and right, my mind starting to playing tricks on me. I pressed my back against the back wall of the closet and slid down it, bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them tight. I leaned my head on them, trying to block out the dark.

Tommyinnit's pov

A quiet shout echoed through the house as I made my way down the stairs. I froze as my heart stopped, I recognised the voice.


I bolted down the remaining stairs, turned the corner and saw Rose, Isla and Cara holding the coat closet closed.

My eyes widened as I realised what was happening. Rose immediately saw me and they all jumped away from the door.

"Tom! I-" she began.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at them rushing to the closet door.

I pulled it open and saw Y/n, curled up in a ball, hugging her knees. My heart sank to my stomach.

Her head bolted up as soon as she noticed light enter the small space, "Tom!" She cried as she flew towards me.

Y/n's pov

"Tom!" I shouted as I bolted up and ran to him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him. My body shaking violently against his steady one.

"Hey it's okay... I'm here. It's okay." He said as he hugged me back, he placed his hand the the back of my head and rubbed his thumb against my hair.

As I let out shaky breaths, still holding onto Tommy like my life depended on it, as he addressed Rose.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Are you crazy? You of all people should know how she gets. She's never coming back here again. We're leaving. C'mon love." He said as he pulled my shaky body towards the door.

He closed the door and hugged me tightly again. "Promise me you won't be friends with her anymore?" He asked as we embraced out in the cool night air.

"Mhm" I hum into his chest.

"Hey look at me." He said as he pulled away and gripped my shoulders.

Tommyinnit's pov

I never really had a good look at her face, and when I saw it as I pulled away, my heart sank once more.

She had tear tracks staining her cheeks, she looked ill. Her body still slightly shaking under my grip.

"Your safe now" I say as I pull her back into a warm hug, holding back the urge I had to cry. It hurt me to see her in such distress and pain.

"Can we go back to yours now?" She mumbled

"Of course." I say.

We went home and Y/n went straight to sleep. I made sure she was comfortable on my bed and wrapped a blanket around her now still and peaceful body.

She snuggled into the blanket, a small smile forming on her lips, "Thank you Tom." She murmured, keeping her eyes closed. She must have felt me put the blanket on her.

I smiled, placing soft kiss on her head and laid down beside her.

A/N: I quite enjoyed writing this one. Sorry it took so long to come out! I hope you enjoyed!!

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