Unwell - Jack Manifold (ROM)

388 5 5

Tw: none
Reader pronouns: any
Length: short

Y/n's pov

I had had this cold for a few days now, each day getting it progressively worse. I had tried everything to get rid of it, but it wouldn't budge.

I stumbled out of my bed and wandered to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and looked for some paracetamol. To my dismay, there was none left. I then looked for some lemsip I could put in some hot water. Nothing either.

"Shit" I sigh closing the cabinet.

I staggered back to my room and grabbed my phone.

Jaskster ❤️👨‍🦲

Hey Jack?

What's up love?

U busy?

Nah. I'm just chilling. Every thing okay?

Yeah I just ran out of paracetamol. Do you mind getting me some?

Of course, I'll be there soon <3

Thanks <3

I clicked of my phone, set it on my bedside table and crashed back onto my bed waiting for Jack.

I hadn't realised I'd fallen asleep until I heard a knock on the door that woke me up.

I groggily dragged myself out of the bed and walked to the door.

"Hiya" I say with a slightly raspy voice. My throat hurt quite a bit.

"Hello" he replied with a smile. He went to hug me but I pushed him away.

"No don't hug me please, I don't want you to get ill Jack."

"I don't care. I wanna make sure you're okayy." He announced in a soft voice and wrapped his arms tightly around my torso.

I gave up and hugged him back. I let out a sigh and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I didn't know I needed that.." I mumble closing my eyes, soaking in his touch.

I felt him chuckle against me, "Aren't you glad I did huh?"

I let out a little nose laugh and he placed a small kiss on the top of my head.

"C'mon. Let's get some of this medicine in you." Jack said.

I groan and we pull apart. Jack walks to the kitchen and I follow suit.

He grabs a glass, fills it with cold water and passes it to me. He then grabs the paracetamol from his plastic bag and takes out a pill.

"You should probably eat something before you take it." Jack advised.

"True" I mumble taking a banana from the fridge.

Once I finish the banana, I down the pill with some water and we go to the living room.

We fall into the sofa and I snuggle up against his warm body.

"You wanna watch anything?" Jack asked.

"Sure, I'm easy" I answered.

"Cool. BoJack Horseman?"

"Okay" I giggle slightly at his choice. We had been binge watching the show at the moment and Jack loved it.

He pressed play and put the remote down, snuggling up against me too, stroking his thumb on my hair.

I probably fell asleep at some point as I don't remember most of the episodes, but I was just glad that Jack was there with me.

A/N: pretty fitting as I'm ill at the moment lmao but heyho. Hopefully you enjoyed this one. I finally had an idea so I got it down.
Thanks for reading! <3

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