First date - Ranboo (ROM)

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Tw: none just very fluffy :)
Reader pronouns: they/he or just any
Length: short

My friend gave me this idea so this is for them :) also Ranboo won't be wearing a mask in this one and I'll be making sure to keep all terminology in a gender neutral tone!

Y/n's pov

Me and Ranboo had only recently started dating, and for our first official date, Ranboo planed for us to go to the cinema then, to a coffee shop afterwards.

"After you, my lovely." Ranboo said with a warm smile as they held the door open to the theatre for me.

"Why thank you very kindly." I say in a bad, posh British accent.

Ranboo chuckles and walks in after me. We find our seats and we sit down together.

Not many people come in after us, so we basically had the whole theatre to ourselves.

"It's practically empty in here." I whisper to Ranboo, leaning towards them slightly so they could hear me.

"That just makes it more romantic." Ranboo whispers back with a little grin and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah, I guess so." I whisper with a small smile.

Ranboo peers at me for a second, obviously noticing the tinge of pink on my cheeks, "You're cute when you blush like that."

I could feel my cheeks going even more red as I stifle a grin. I was about to speak, when the lights dim and the adverts start to play.

"Thank you." I whisper softly, leaning over to them again.

Soon enough, the movie starts to play and we both shift our attention to the screen.

As the movie plays, I occasionally steal glances at Ranboo, admiring his features and how they concentrate on the movie, a faint smile on my lips.

About half way through the movie, I get a random thought. One that will take a little courage to execute.

I glance down at Ranboo's hand that was closest to me, their elbow was resting on the armrest that separated our seats and their hand rested on their thigh.

I feel my heart flutter at the idea of us holding hands as we watch the movie.

I turn my head back to the movie screen for a moment, contemplating if I should carry out the idea.

Ah, screw it. I think to myself and I reach over slowly and I slip my fingers under Ranboo's hand gently. I feel him tense for a second and the sudden contact, but he immediately interlocks our fingers together, giving me a small squeeze as he does so.

(I feel like this is how you guys would be holding hands)

(and I also I feel like Ranboo would love holding hands like this hehe)

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(and I also I feel like Ranboo would love holding hands like this hehe)

I could feel my heart fluttering and Ranboo moves our hands so they were resting on the armrest.

For the rest of the movie, our hands stay glued together and even when the movie ends, and we start to leave, our finger stay interlocked.

"You wanna head to the coffee shop now?" Ranboo asks as we leave the cinema.

"Yeah, let's go." I say with a soft smile.

We walk to the coffee shop, our hands swing together by our sides. We get to the cafe and we order drinks, sitting down at a take and we chat about everything under the sun.

As the day was coming to a close, so was the date. We exit the cafe and I turn to Ranboo, "I had a lovely time today." I say with a warm smile.

"So did I..." Ranboo replies with a warm smile too, "hey um, I know this might be too soon but... can I kiss you? Your face is just so... cute."

I feel my cheeks burn and my hearts flutters for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"I- no.. It's okay. You can kiss me." I say softly.

Ranboo's face lights up with a warm grin again and he takes a step closer to me, looking down at me with soft eyes.

He towered over me, I just barely reached his chin. "Can I put my hand around your waist..?" They ask softly in a quiet voice.

I give them a small nod and they gently place their hand on my waist, his other hand softly took my chin in his fingers and thumb, tilting my head up more. Their thumb gently brushed across my lips before he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss there.

The kiss was almost electric, my eyes fluttered closed as I felt their soft lips on mine. I didn't care that we were in front of a coffee shop where everyone could see us, I didn't care, all that mattered to me was Ranboo in this moment.

The kiss lingers for a moment and eventually they break the kiss gently, keeping their hands on my waist and chin, "was that okay?" Ranboo says softly, a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"It was more than okay." I say softly, my own cheeks burning.

"C'mon, I'll walk you home." Ranboo says and they wrap an arm around my shoulders, walking me down the street to my apartment.

A/N: I really like this one 😭 I feel like Ranboo would ALWAYS ask for consent like he's so precious oml

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