Horror stream - Jack Manifold (ROM)

383 7 3

TW: none
Reader pronouns: any
Length: medium

This was a request by @SLAY_THEDAYAWAY

I'm am genuinely so sorry this took so incredibly long to come out 😭 but I hope you enjoy it!

Also sorry if some of the explanations of the game and what's going on are vague and incorrect, I haven't seen this game being played in a while and I'm just writing this off of memory.

Y/n's pov

"Welcome welcome chat!" Jack announced, switching from his 'starting soon' overlay to full camera.

Jack gestures for me to come into frame and starts to speak again, "TODAY, my girlfriend and I will be playing Slender The Arrival!"

"Hi chat!" I say warmly, waving to the camera slightly as I step into frame and sit in the chair next to Jack.

Chat instantly began going crazy, messages flying by at a million miles an hour;




"Yeah yeah, chat. My girlfriend is here, but this is my stream. So shush now." Jack said jokingly with a grin, putting a finger to his lips.

"Hey! I can't help it if they love me. I'm just better than you~" I say with a smirk.

"Oh be quiet," Jack says with a small chuckle, "Now. There's a twist, chat. Y/n will be controlling the mouse and I will be controlling the keyboard. If you've seen Tubbo and Ranboo do this before, no you haven't. This is an original idea. I always come up with the best ideas."

"I'm pretty sure that's just plagiarism, Jack." I comment. 

"No. This is totally an original idea. I have no idea what your talking about," Jack says, stifling a grin, "let's just play the game, shall we?"

"Alright." I say with a smirk and a slight head shake.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jack says with a raised eyebrow as he boots up the game and hands me the mouse.

"Trust me, I will." I reply, a sly grin on my face.

Jack just rolls his eyes playfully and starts the game.

"Why are we in a forest?" I ask, using the mouse to look around.

"Because we are. Right, now move the mouse so we can go down the hill."

"Yeah but I want to look at the scenery~" I say in a playful whine.

"It's not really scenic, Y/n. Most of the trees are dead and the grass is yellow. It's not exactly a scene to behold." Jack says.

"You never know!" I chuckle, moving the mouse, letting Jack walk us down the hill.

We soon reach the big house, with me getting distracted by the smallest of things, but we eventually get there.

"Very artistic. Love me a bit of dark and gloomy drawings on the wall." I comment sarcastically as I look at the scribbles on the wall by the staircase.

Soon enough, we get out the house and make our way deeper into the forest.

"We need to look for eight pages now," Jack says. I give a slight nod and we move into the forest, "We need to go this way."

It was mostly smooth sailing, until, we got to the bit where the guy chases you in a field.

"WHERE DO I POINT." I say, frantically moving the mouse, following a random path in the tall grass, as Jack moved the character forwards.


"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CELLAR." I say, turning left.

"THERE! GO INSIDE." Jack says as he points at his monitor with his free hand to a spot in the field up ahead.

Jack sprints inside and the intense music stops, "we have to do that again y'know."

"What? Are you shitting me?" I say. 

"No. We need to look around the cellar first for some gasoline." Jack says calmly, with a small chuckle.

I sigh and Jack moves us into the cellar. We pick up the gasoline and head back to the stairs.

"You ready? Just stick to the path and point the mouse back to the old shed thing." Jack explains.

"Okay, you can move forward now."

Jack sprints up the stairs, I make sure to stick to that path and we safely reach the old shed.

"Okay, now we need to go to the chapel, which unfortunately, is back across the field with the beeline guy." Jack says once we complete the thing we needed the gasoline for.

"Yay." I say sarcastically.

Once we reach the chapel and look around for a bit, the beeline guy comes back and chases us out of the chapel.


"JUST FOLLOW THE PATH." Jacks explains.

I let out a small whine and I keep the character on the path.

Once we reach the part where you wake up in another field, Jack decides to end stream.

"Okay, I think this is far enough for today. The next part is even more tedious. Another guy chases us around, but it's in the dark." Jack says and he opens the game menu, pausing the game.

"Yeah, no. I'm not doing that today." I say with a soft chuckle.

"See, I can read your mind." Jack says with a grin.

"Okay then, what am I thinking about now?"

Jack leans forward towards me and narrows his eyes, "your thinking about how utterly handsome I am." He says and he leans back in his chair with a smirk.

"Hm, guess you can read my mind." I say with a laugh.

"Oh... I wasn't expecting that." Jack says with a light chuckle, a light dusting of pink appearing on his cheeks.

Chat was loving it;




"Alright, I'm ending the stream now," Jack says with a huff, "thank you everyone for joining! The mods will be putting my socials in chat and if you want to check out the vods, go to jackmanifoldVODS on YouTube! I'll see you in the next one, buh bye!"

The stream ends and Jack let's out a small sigh, leaning back in his chair again.

"I think they like it when I make you flustered on camera." I say with a mischievous grin.

"They do," Jack chuckles slightly, "they definitely do."

A/N: IM BACK BITCHES HEHE I'm going to start writing this again, hopefully I won't get distracted and forget about this book, but I hope you enjoyed!!

ALSO, this book is at almost 3k reads??? Like what?? I'm so incredibly grateful for all of you! Thank you so much!

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