Take off - Wilbur Soot (ROM)

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Tw: anxiety
Reader pronouns: she/her
Length: short


Y/n's pov

As we boarded the plane, Wilbur behind me, I started to feel a little anxious.

We had booked seats so Will and I would be sitting together.

We found our seats and placed our carry-ons in the overhead cupboard.

I got window seat because I didn't really like sitting next to strangers, plus I liked to look out the window and see the clouds.

I shimmied down the seats and plopped myself down. Wilbur doing the same moments later.

"You alright?" Will asked.

"Yeah fine." I say with small smile.

He seemed unconvinced but didn't push anything.

I take a minute to think what to say but eventually I get it out. "Okay, look. I have anxiety about being in planes and when they take off" I admit quietly.

"Oh, sweetheart. There's no need to be scared. We're safe. You should only be scared when the captain says so." He says with a comforting smile.

"Not helping" I say glaring at him, a faint smile on my lips.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to lighten mood." He replies with a faltered smile.

"No no, it's okay. I appreciate it." I respond.

Just then a flight attendant walks past. "Hi sorry to bother you. Could you get a bottle of water for her please. Thanks." Wilbur asks.

"Of course." They nodded and walked off.

Will turned back to me, "it'll be fine."

"I hope so" I say back.

The flight attendant returns with the water and I take a big sip.

"Feel better?" He asked

"A little" I was very clearly on edge.

The flight attendants began doing their daily routine of showing where the exits were, how to use them, the masks, etc.

As the engines fired up, I felt a soft pain in my chest.

As soon we were about to take off, as the plane gathered speed, I quickly grabbed onto Wilbur's hand tightly and tried to steady my breathing. He gave me a comforting squeeze.

I didn't take my eyes off of the seat in front of me as the plane lifted off the ground. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

As the plane began to level I relaxed my grip on Wilbur's hand and let out a sigh.

"See? Everything's fine." He said as he pulled our intertwined fingers up to his face and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand, "Everything's all good"

A/N: I always have anxiety on planes so I thought I could incorporate it into a story :)

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