Lock your doors and windows (Pt2) - Jack Manifold (ROM)

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20 minutes later

Y/n's pov

I rested my head on the back of the sofa, closing my eyes, the panic of what was yet to come started to set in again.

My leg bounced up and down, my hands began trembling slightly as Jack sat down next to me, lying his right arm across my shoulders.

Jack noticed my shaky leg and hands, he pulled his arm back and took my hands in his, "it's going to be okay. I'm here."

"I know, thank you, but who knows what they're gonna do? Or when will they arrive? They might smash my windows or kick down my door and beat m-"

"Woah woah woah, calm down," he said as he gave my hands a gentle squeeze, "it'll be fine. I'll protect you. No matter what." He replied staring into my worried eyes. His green-y blue eyes staring back at mine.

My heart melted, I just leaned down and snuggled my head into the crook of his neck, bringing my knees to my chest.

He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head, my hands still in his. I looked up at him, he was already looking down at me, pure admiration in his eyes.

I pushed my head up and placed my lips on his, my right hand moving up to his jaw. I must have kissed him hundreds of times by now but they never got old, butterflies erupted in my stomach each time.

Jack's pov

She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
God, how this woman made me feel.
Butterflies dancing in my stomach each time we kissed. It was amazing. All I wanted to do was keep her safe and protect her with my life. I couldn't let anyone hurt her.

Especially, not today.

Y/n's Pov

I pulled away slowly and leaned my head back on Jack's chest, his heart was beating fast surprisingly. I would be lying if mine wasn't a little too though.

"...love you Jack..." I say in a quite voice, peering back up at him once again.

"I love you too sweetheart," he replied placing a kiss on the tip of my nose, "d'you wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah, in a sec. I'm comfortable right now" I say wrapping my arms around his torso, closing my eyes.

Jack's pov

"Yeah, in a sec. I'm comfortable right now" she said as she wrapped her arms around my torso.

A few moments passed before I realised she'd fallen asleep on me. I smiled and looked around to see if there was a blanket. I saw one on the arm rest behind me.

I tried reaching for it, trying not to wake Y/n up in the process. I just caught the corner and pulled it over. I unfolded it and gently wrapped it around the sleeping Y/n and me.

I rested my chin on the top of her head and closed my eyes.

I soon fell asleep.

47 minutes later

I woke up. I could have sworn I heard something.

I brushed it off and looked down, Y/n was still curled up, asleep, against me.

I smiled to myself, she looked so cute all curled up and peaceful.

"Is this the house?"

My heart dropped.

They were here.

I heard one speaking. Good job the curtains were closed.

"Yeah mate, this is it" I heard another guy say.

All of this was very faint, as they were talking out side the front door. It was only a few meters away from the living room.

I glanced behind me at the kitchen, looking for something I could protect Y/n with.

She obviously noticed my hasty movements and began to stir.

She groaned and looked up at me me, "Everything thing okay love?" she mumbled, she was obviously tried.

I didn't answer, she frowned a little, "What's wrong? You look scared."she muttered.

Not even seconds passed and her eyes widened with the realisation.

She bolted up right, her head whipping back and forth looking around the room.

"Look, they're just outside. They're not inside yet" I whispered

Her frown turned into a look of pure terror. My heart sank once again just seeing her in so much pain.

A loud knock echoed through the house making us both jump.

"Y/n Y/l/n? Helloo"

Y/n's pov

My heart was racing, my breathing shallow. I was frozen, I couldn't move. Fright completely taking over.

Jack stood up and started toward the door, my mind suddenly went into gear.

"Jack!" I whispered, "you need call the police. Now. I'll open the door"

"Y/n no-"

"Jack I can handle it" I interject, standing up.

"Miss are you home?"

"Yes! One moment please!" I call out.

Jack looked at me with a frightened look and grabbed his phone.

"Hide somewhere where they can't see you through the doorway. They don't know your here, they think it's just me." I whisper.

Jack does so and calls the police.

I take a deep breath and stride to the door.

I reach for the handle, my heart going a million miles an hour and pulled the door open.

A/N: cliffhanger :O that's the end of pt2 hope you enjoying!!

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