Metal strings - Jack Manifold (ROM)

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Tw: none
Reader pronouns: she/her
Length: short

A/N: in my Jack Manifold era rn. I mean, like he's SO underrated. He's such a cool human being. Anyways hope you enjoy !!

Jack's pov

I stepped onto her doormat and knocked on the door.

The door swung open a few moments later revealing Y/n's best friend, her roommate.

"Oh hi Jack." They say with a smile.

I was about to open my mouth when they interjected, "Y/n is in her room", a small smile upon their face.

I chuckled, "Thanks!" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

They move out the way and I step into the familiar household.

I wander up the stairs and arrive at the landing. I look to Y/n's room and notice the door ajar, the sound of a guitar being played, quietly echoing.

I smile and slowing but quietly step towards her door, leaning my head close to it to hear her play.

I recognised the song to be What Once Was by Her's. I smiled wider, it was her favourite song.

"Please don't let go when you've had enough, I'm on my knees"

Y/n's pov

I jump and my head whips around as I hear a familiar voice singing the chorus. I smile widely as I see Jack in the doorway, my fingers begin playing again.

"Baby I've been there before,
I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone,"

I began singing along as Jack sat down beside me on my bed.

"And now I'm still hanging on,
I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was"

I play the last note of the chorus and let it ring out, turning my head to Jack, a wide smile pulling at his features.

I let out a small giggle and drop my head with embarrassment, a smile tugging at my lips too. I could feel my face turning pink.

"That was beautiful" he says, "you don't need to be embarrassed! It's just me." He chuckles and I lift my head up once again.

"I know. I'm just not used to playing in front of people" I say quietly.

"Fair enough. You still played wonderfully though." Jack said as he bumped his shoulder into mine.

"Thanks Jack." I say with a smile

I place the guitar to the side and wrapped my arms around Jack's torso.

He let out a little nose laugh and hugged me back.

"You definitely don't like hugs do you?" Jack announced sarcastically.

I pull away and peer at him, my arms still around him, "Mhm, I hate them" I say returning the sarcasm, burying my head back into the crook of his neck.

I felt him chuckle as he hugged me back tightly.

A/N: Two stories in one day?? Hell yeah lmao I got another idea so wrote it down :)
Hope you enjoyed!!

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