Bathroom brake (Pt2) - Wilbur Soot (ROM)

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Wilbur's pov

Hearing her say my full name like that sent a fearful shiver down my spine.

"Will, please I'm panicking. My anxiety is starting to kick in-" her voice cracked at the last word.

"Y/n please, stay calm," I was standing in front of the opening to the bathroom. I looked to the women's bathroom door and saw the handle was missing, "what happened?"

"I-I-," she let out a shaky sigh, "I went to the ah- the bathroom and after, I washed my hands. When I first came in, I noticed the handle on the ahm- ah, the ah- the door, was wobbly. I didn't really take it into account, but when I finished drying my hands, I uh- tripped over my foot and grabbed the handle for support, but it just broke off."

I could tell she was trembling, her speech was stutter-y and her breaths were shaky.

"Listen, Y/n. It's going to be okay, alright? I promise." I say, trying to sound as calming as possible but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared for her.

I tried pushing and heaving the door but it wouldn't move.

"I'm going to go and get Joe okay?"

"No! P-please stay. It reminds me too much of-of..." she announced trailing off.

"I understand. Please, I'll be back in two seconds."

"Okay.." I heard her mumble.

I hesitated for a moment, then sprinted down the hall.

"Joe! Y/n, she's trapped in the bathroom," I say trying to catch my breath, "the door handle was broken, she tripped, grabbed it and it came off."

"Shit okay. Um what do you want to do?" He replied.

"I don't know, but the door won't move. We'll have to find an other way to open it."

"Right. We could call the police? See if they have anything to break down the door?"

"Sure" I breathed out.

"Okay give me a moment" Joe said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, turning away.

I jogged back down the corridor to check on Y/n.

"Y/n are you still there?" I ask leaning my shoulder on the door, pressing my ear against it.

There was a pause of a few seconds, "Yea.." I heard her say quietly.

I quickly examined the door again and saw that above the door was a small rectangular window which opened upwards.

(Like this but the window opens the other way)

The door was slightly smaller than me so I could just see in

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The door was slightly smaller than me so I could just see in. All I could see was the roof and the back wall. I need to get higher. I thought.

"Y/n? I'm going to get something, I'll be back in a second." I called.

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