Sunset kisses - Wilbur Soot (ROM)

856 13 2

Tw: none, a lot of fluff :)
Reader pronouns: she/her or any
Length: medium

This was requested by the lovely @LiliaMBond . I hope you enjoy!!

Y/n's pov

My mind buzzed with thoughts as I got ready for our date. I slipped on a nice but casual outfit, as we were going into Brighton.

Wilbur was picking me up at 8 pm and it was already 7:45.

I quickly styled my hair and stepped into the hall to put some shoes on.

I sighed softly and walked over to my sofa and plopped myself down, waiting patiently with a smile for Wilbur.

Surely enough, at 8 there was a soft knocking at my door. I sat up quickly and hurried over.

I open it to reveal the tall lanky man I had grown to love, standing before my door with a bouquet of my favourite flowers, hiding his face.

"Hi love" he smiled warmly at me as he peaked around the bouquet.

"Hi Wilbur" I smile back, "you didn't have to get me flowers", I say as he passes me the bouquet. "Come in".

I turn around and walk to the kitchen to find a vase to put the flowers in.

"Well I had to get you something" Wilbur replied as he closed the door behind him, stepping into the house.

I grab a decently sized vase, unwrap the flowers and fill the vase with water. I place the flowers gently inside and rearrange them slightly.

I suddenly feel arms around my waist and a pressure on my shoulder. "You look lovely today" Wilbur softly said, in my ear as he hugged me from behind.

I blush and smile softly, turning myself around to face him. "You look pretty handsome too" I smile as I observed the way his brown curls stuck out from under his beanie, "actually, scratch that. You look pretty cute today"

I could see a slight shade of pink creep onto his cheeks and a smile tug at his lips, making me smile in return.

"You look cute when you blush" I tease in a soft voice.

Wilbur didn't reply, instead, he leaned forward and buried his head into my shoulder as he blushed even more, a wide smile on his face.

"Stoppp" he mumbled into my shoulder as he kept his arms around my waist.

I let out a small laugh and Wilbur raises his head again, a mischievous grin on his face.

"I bet I can make you flustered" he grinned.

"Alright bet" I grin back.

Wilbur removed one of his hands from my waist and placed his fingers under my chin, lifting it up slightly. He leaned forward quickly but stopped, hovering just above my lips, his grip tightening slightly on my waist. He was so close, our faces were almost touching.

"I'll make so you flustered love, that you'll just melt in my arms" his voice was low as he smirked. I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"I- okay you win" I smile as my cheeks burn.

His grin widens and he places a quick and gently kiss on my lips.

"You just can't resist me" he teased as he pulled way.

"Shut up" I reply in a playful tone, a flustered smile playing at my lips.

"Come on. I don't want to be late for the sunset." He smiled as he took my hand and led me out the house.

We drove to the pier and parked just beside the beach.

We got out the car and the sun was just about to set over the sea.

"Hey look. We're just in time!" Wilbur smiles as he took my hand again once I was out the car. He pulled me down onto the stoney beach and sat us down.

"I always love watching the sunset here" He smiled.

"Yeah." I smile as I watch Wilbur admiring the sunset. The warm light hitting his face perfectly, highlighting all of his features.

It shone on the few curls that stuck out from underneath his beanie, reflecting off his glasses.

He eventually noticed that I was staring and turned to me. "What?" He asked innocently.

"Nothing," I blush, "just... you look so nice in this lighting"

He smiled warmly, "Thank you. So do you"

I smile and move my gaze to the sunset. It truly was a beautiful sunset.

"I really want to kiss you right now. This is such a perfect moment" Wilbur says softly, looking over at me.

I look back at him and smile. "Kiss me then"

Wilbur doesn't need a second opportunity, as he quickly leans over and presses his lips on mine. He lifts his hands and cups my cheeks as the kiss continues. It was softly but passionate and filled with love.

I hum softly into the kiss and he pulls away gently. "God, your so beautiful" he whispers, still holding my cheeks.

I feel my cheeks heat up a little. "Even after us dating for ages, I can still make you blush" Wilbur grins.

I smile softly at him. "Come here" he whispers as he pulls me to his side, resting his arm over my shoulders.

I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for taking me out tonight"

"It's no problem at all" he say as he presses a soft kiss on the top of my head.

A few minutes pass as we watched the sunset in comfortable silence, eventually I say something.

"You wanna go back to my place and watch a movie?" I ask, "I know we made plans and all but right now, I'd prefer to watch a movie and chill"

"I'd love to" Wilbur answered with a grin.

We left the beach and not long after we arrived back at my house.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" I ask as I sit myself down next to Wilbur on the sofa and snuggle up against his warm body.

"I'm not sure. There's so many to pick from" he chuckles softly, "have you ever seen Hamilton?"

"I don't think so" I say.

"What! You've never seen Hamilton? Your kidding right?" He say as he sits up right on the sofa staring at me in disbelief, a small smile on his lips as he speaks.

"No. I haven't seen Hamilton" I chuckle.

"Right. We are watching Hamilton weather you like it or not... But please like it, it's my favourite movie" he says as he sits back down and plays the movie.

"We'll see" I grin.

Wilbur rests his arm over my shoulders again and pulls me close, gently caressing my shoulder with his thumb. I snuggle up beside him and lean my head on his chest as the movie begins.

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