Lock your doors and windows (Pt3) - Jack Manifold (ROM)

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Y/n's pov

"Hi sorry for the wait. How may-"

I felt a sharp pain smash into the side of my face. I fell to the ground with a loud thud, the back of my head banging on the floor, a ringing noise erupted in my ears.

"Ahh" I groaned, a throbbing pain on my left cheek bone spread rapidly across my face. I shifted to lying on my right side, my sore cheek exposed.

I opened my eyes, my vision slightly blurry. A man, a young man, stood above me, staring at me. Two other boys behind him, stricken with fear.

Turning over was probably the worst mistake I ever made, as he swiftly kicked me in the stomach with what felt like brutal force.

I doubled over, my arms wrapped tight around my stomach. "Gahh-" I cried out, I wanted to cry.

"Y/N!!" I heard someone call. They sounded miles away as the ringing was all I could hear.

The man above me whipped his head around as the person called my name.

The man's eyes widened in fear as he noticed someone else was with me. His head snapped back around to look at me. I pleaded with God that he wouldn't do anything else.

Just then, he raised his foot the same time I lifted my head and reached my hand out to say something, the heel of his shoe collided with the left side of my jaw, my face swept to the right, knocking me unconscious.

The last thing I heard was the same voice calling my name, over and over again.

Jack's pov

I stared as Y/n's body went limp. I knew she was just unconscious, but something in the back of my mind was screaming at me saying the boy had killed her.

Pure rage and fear in my voice, "What did you do!?" I roared.

I sprinted at him, remember every single lesson I learnt from boxing, I sent a punch to the guy's face.

The other two boys, stood back in fear of getting hurt. I don't think they meant the situation to get this out of hand. As I looked at them while the main guy was whimpering on the pavement, they look significantly younger than him. They were probably dragged unwillingly into this.

Just then I heard the police sirens approaching. All of the boys tried to run for it but I managed to stop them until the police stepped in.

"In the name of the law you are under arrest!!" The female officer screamed at the boys.

I let out a deep sigh, it's over, I thought, when suddenly I remembered Y/n.

I sprinted back toward the house. I froze just in the door frame as I saw a battered and bruised body.

Her left cheek had a small trickle of blood dripping down her face and a big bruise on the left side of her jaw.

My heart shattered into a million pieces. Despite the huge urge I had to pick her up and look after her myself, I called the police officer and informed her about Y/n.

They called an ambulance, it arrived not long after. They placed her on a stretcher and wheeled her into the back of the ambulance.

"You can come with. I asume you're the boyfriend?" One of the paramedics asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Alright. You can get in the back with her okay?" They said. I started to make my way onto the vehicle, before I felt a grab on the arm, "She'll be okay" they say reassuringly.

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