The lake - Jack Manifold (ROM)

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Tw: none
Reader pronouns: she/her
Length: short

This is sort of based off of Jack's video "Never take Tommyinnit to a lake"

Y/n's pov

Jack had decided that he needed to take me fishing. He also said I had to experience the "peak" of his masculinity.

"Plus it would be a good bonding experience." He said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah why not" I say matching his tone.

We decided to go during the morning so we could sit and have lunch together afterwards.

The lake wasn't too far away, about 30 minutes drive.

Around half way there we stopped at a fishing shop.

"Oh c'mon Jack!" I pleaded.

"Fine, alright. We can get the fishing glasses."

I whooped with glee, "y'know they make us look super cool. See?" I say as I place the glasses on my nose and strike an silly pose.

Jack chuckled loudly and snatched the glasses of my face. "Heyyyy" I whine as I pretend to cross my arms like a small child who didn't get their way.

"I need to pay for these silly" Jack said with a smile.

"Fine" I huff, a smile spread across my face.

After Jack paid, even though I insisted to pay many times, we headed back on the road to the lake.

"Right, here we are!" Jack announced as he pulled the handbrake up, "oh c'mon".

"What?" I say confused.

"That guy took my fishing spot!" He said as he pointed to a middle aged man sitting one the first dock.

"It's fine. We can just take one a few docks over" I say comfortingly placing a hand on his thigh.

"Yeah I guess. But that's my spot" he huffed.

"Jack" I giggle.

"I know, I know. C'mon let's go." He grinned as he stepped out the car.

We did end up picking a dock a few meters away from the man. Jack set up two chairs and the rods.

"Right! All done!" He said proudly, "now there's oneee last thing"

I simply glared at him confused as he dug around in his rucksack.

I could have never been prepared for what Jack pulled out the bag.

"Look! It's my fishing hat!" He cheered as he placed a camo green hat with plastic fish parts sticking out of it, the head of a fish poking out the front. 

I burst out with laughter, practically wetting myself.

He grabbed a pair of the fishing glasses we bought and put them on too, he proceeded to spin his head back and forth which made the fish look like it was swimming. He soon broke and began laughing loudly along with me.

"Your fuckin' crazy y'know that?" I say as I calm down, placing my hand on his bicep.

"In a good way or a bad way?" He asked.

"In a good way of course, stupid!" I say as I leave a small kiss on his cheek.

In return he turned a slight shade of pink.

"Are you, the Jack Manifold, blushing because a girl kissed you on the cheek!" I boast.

"N-no! I would never!" He said trying to sound proud, placing his hands on his hips.

"Yeah yeah, alright." I say with a smirk, knowing my effect on him. I turn towards the dock and take a seat in one of the chairs, Jack took a seat in the other.

I turn my head and grin at him widely.
"Oh shut up" he said flailing his hand at me.

I let out a giggle and turn back to face the water.

We sit there for a few moments before I breach the silence, "it's really pretty at this time of the morning" I say, not taking my eyes of the scenery.

"Just like you." Jack says as he glances at me, his head tilted slightly.

This time my cheeks turn pink. "That's-  um. Thanks" I say with a dopey smile.

Jack grins, knowing he's won.

Our seats where quite close together, so I reach out my hand and take Jack's, he gives my hand a little squeeze as I rest my head on his shoulder, while we waited to catch a fish.

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