Tour bus - Wilbur Soot (ROM)

833 19 4

Tw: none very fluffy :)
Reader pronouns: she/her
Length: short-ish

Okay but like that photo of Wilbur??? Hello???

Request for @VioletTeen___
I hope you enjoy!!

Y/n's pov

"Come on Y/n! The guys are already on the bus!" I hear Wilbur call from the front door.

"I'm coming!" I say quickly and I grab my phone and wallet off the living room coffee table, the clock on the wall reading 9:37 am as I hurry over to him.

"There she is." Wilbur said with a warm smile as he stood by the front door and gestured for me to walk outside.

"Sorry." I mumble as I step out onto the walkway with an apologetic look, Wilbur closing and locking the door behind us.

"It's alright, love." Wilbur say softly and stepped over to me, placing a quick kiss on the crown of my head. He loved to kiss the top of my head, one, because he towers over me in height and it's just easier, and two, he likes the smell of my hair.

"Oi! Come on!" Mark calls from the bus, his head sticking out one of the windows on the side.

Me and Wilbur both let out a small chuckle and we walk over to the bus that was parked in front of Wilbur's house.

I step onto the bus, giving the driver a polite smile and I join the guys. The bus decently sized on the inside, big enough for the five of us. Sofas lined the sides at the front with a walkway in the middle and a few sets of shelves and seats at the back.

Joe, Mark and Ash were all chatting and goofing about, when Joe turns his head to me and smiles.

"Hey Y/n!" Joe says enthusiastically, Mark just grins and Ash gives me a 'hello' and a small wave.

I hear Wilbur step onto the bus behind me and go and sit on the sofa opposite the boys.

"We all good to go?" The driver calls.

"Yep, we're all here." Wilbur says and he sits down beside me. 

"Alright! Buckle up, because we've got a long drive!" The driver says, starting the engine and heading down the road.

We were driving from Brighton to Bristol, so the bus ride was about three hours long. Too long if you ask me.

As the minutes ticked by, watching the world go by through the window, an hour had already passed of all of us chatting about everything that came to mind.

I was still a little tired as I had kept waking up during the night before, and the added fact that Wilbur and I had to get up early to get ready and make sure we had all the necessary equipment and instruments, didn't help.

I lean my head on the back on the sofa and my eyes fluttered closed, the soft hum of the engine and the boys chatting, making a soft background noise.

"You tired?" I hear Wilbur say softly from beside me. I feel him reach over and run his fingers through my hair gently, his actions making a faint smile appear on my lips.

"Yeah... just a little. I didn't sleep all that good last night." I say softly, turning my head to him, my eyes opening again.

His coffee brown eyes softly staring back at mine, a slight tilt to his head as he looked at me with a gentle smile. Just the sight of him smiling made me smile.

"Why didn't you call? You could've come over and we could've cuddled." He spoke, keeping his fingers gently brushing through my hair.

"It's alright, I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep." I say with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, your probably right. I need to preserve this gorgeous face of mine." Wilbur said with his signature giggle.

"Oh yeah, definitely." I say, his little giggle making me smile even more.

"C'mere." Wilbur said as he stopped stroking my hair and wrapped his arm over my shoulder, pulling me up close beside him. I nuzzle up to him and I rest my head against his chest, the soft sound of his heartbeat filling my ear.

"You're so small." He whispered softly as his thumb rubbed against my arm gently.

"It's not my fault your as tall as a building." I say quietly with a small grin.

"You're still small." He said softly, a hint of a tease in his voice.

"Shut up." I say playfully.

Wilbur just chuckled softly and held me a little tighter.

"Can you guys stop being so cute for five minutes? You're making the rest of us look lonely." Mark commented jokingly.

Wilbur just shrugged, a playful smile on his lips, my eyes flickering closed again.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was Wilbur gently shaking me as he called my name quietly.

"Hm...?" I mumble, my eyes staying closed.

"Come on sleepy head, we're getting gas and the boys want to know if you want anything from the shop." Wilbur said softly, still gently shaking me.

"No... I'm good... actually, can you see if they can get me a Snickers bar..?" I mumble.

"Alright. Hey Mark? Can you get Y/n a Snickers?" Wilbur said then I hear someone step of the bus, which a assumed was Mark.

"Are you going to wake up now?" Wilbur says to me softly.

"No. You're warm and I'm comfortable." I say and give Wilbur a little squeeze with my arms as they were wrapped around his torso.

I hear Wilbur sigh, "well, I guess I'll just have to make you." A hint of playfulness to his voice again.

"What do you- ah!" I say and my eyes spring open as I feel Wilbur tickling my body, a mischievous grin on his face.

"S-stop it! I'm up! I'm up!" I say as I laugh and squirm.

Wilbur chuckles and pulls his hands away. "You're mean." I say with a playful huff but I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I said I would get you up, so I got you up." He grinned.

"Yeah, okay." I say with a small chuckle and I sit up straight on the sofa.

The rest of the drive was more of the same, the occasional tease between me and Wilbur, chatting, goofing about, etc. but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

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