Bad memories - Ranboo (PLAT)

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Tw: mentions of toxic relationships
Reader pronouns: any
Length: short

F/d = favourite drink
F/m = favourite movie

Most of the Ranboo stories will be platonic as he is gay and the reader is mostly feminine. If I do do a romantic one, the reader will have they/them pronouns or any, so it's not so uncomfortable for people :)

Y/n's pov

As I swung slowly on the swing set, admiring the sun as it set, my best friend broke the silence.

"Hey. Are you okay?" They asked as they dragged their feet across the sandy floor to slow down.

"Hm" I replied not taking my eyes of the sunset.

"You can tell me y'know. Course, if you don't want to that completely fine." They said with a smile.

"Thanks Ran. I guess I'm just feeling down about things that will probably never happen."

I glanced over at them, they had a confused expression.

"I guess- I don't know. It's stupid." I say hanging my head, staring at the sand below.

"No, come on. It's not stupid. I know it's not." Ranboo said as they spun around so their legs we on either side of the swing, their whole body facing me.

I copy their movement and began to explain, "I don't know. All afternoon, I've seen couples after couples being happy together and being like a regular couple but every time I think back at my past relationships, they've all been shit. Like every single guy I dated, manipulated me or was too shy to even give me a hug at a random time or was to shy to even hold my hand. I would have to be the one the initiate everything. It's just makes me so sad that all I've ever wanted was something like they all have. All I ever wanted was a proper relationship but I never got it." With tears staring to form in my eyes, I finished my rant and pressed my forehead against the chain for the swing.

"Oh Y/n...that's not stupid. Your feelings are completely valid and you shouldn't have to go through this." Ranboo said comfortingly, placing a hand on my knee.

"Here" they said as they got out the swing, stood up and opened their arms

I didn't need even a second to jump into their arms. They hugged me tightly, as did I as I quietly sobbed against their tall stature.

We stood there for a while before Ranboo spoke again. "Do you wanna go to my place and watch a movie? It's close and plus I have popcorn." Even with his mask on I could tell they were smiling widely.

"Absolutely" I say.

At Ranboo's house

"Okayy. Here's the popcorn, I got your f/d too. Here." Ranboo said as they handed me my drink, plopping themselves down on the sofa beside me.

"Thank you." I cheer.

"Anytime! Did you pick a movie?"

"Yeah I picked f/m" I reply.

"Awesome. I quite like that movie!"

I pressed play and the movie began.

"Thanks Ranboo. I needed this." I say thankfully.

"Y/n, I'd do anything to cheer you up. I'm always gonna be here if you need me." They said.

"What would I do without you."

"Probably die" they said in a fully flat voice.

I laughed, "wow that got dark real quick. But your right. I would probably drive my car into a lamppost."


I let out one last giggle and leaned my head on their shoulder as the first scene of the movie starts. Ranboo in return leans his head on mine.

A/N: little comfort oneshot for you guys :)) hope you enjoyed!

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