Parental issues - Tommyinnit (ROM)

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Tw: mentions of parents arguing
Reader pronouns: any
Length: short

Y/n's pov

As their shouts echoed through the walls of the house, I turned up the music in my headphones.

They had been arguing for ten minutes already. Arguing over something stupid. Most of the time it was about me.

As the song played I felt tears starting to prick in my eyes. I tried to wipe them away but my hands were too shaky.

I decided I didn't want to spend another second in this house, so I texted the only person that brought me comfort.

Tommy 🩵

Hey can I come over?

Of course. What's up?

I'll explain later. Be there soon <3

Is it your parents again?


Remember it's not your fault okay? I'll see you soon love <3

I turned off my phone and disconnected my headphones.

I slowly stood up and grabbed my car keys. I'd been wanting to move out for ages but I could never have the courage to actually tell my parents.

As I stepped out of my room, their argument still going, I strode over to where they were.

"I'm going to Tommy's. I'll probably be back later this evening." I announce

My mother just looks at me and nods, turning back to my father initiating the argument again. I flinched slightly at the sudden volume and headed for the door.

I pulled up into Tom's driveway and stepped out the car. I slowly knocked on his door and waited patiently.

It only took a few seconds before the door swung open. Tom stood in the doorway with a sad smile.

I saw him and instantly broke into tears, tears spilling out of my eyes.

Tom instantly engulfed me in a hug and rubbed my back for comfort.

"Hey it's okay. It's okay." He mumbled as he pressed a kiss on the top of my head.

I didn't give him an answer. I just hugged him tightly, a few tears falling from my eyes.

"C'mon let's go inside. It's cold out here." He said as he guided our embracing bodies through the door.

Tom pulled away and took my hand, leading me to his living room.

We sat down on the sofa and I leaned my head on his shoulder, Tom wrapping is arm on mine, holding me close.

We sat in comfortable silence as my tears started to dry.

"Thanks" is all I manage say, as I stare down and my hands.

"I'm always here for you, you know that?" Tom said as he placed his index finger with his free hand under my chin, moving my head to look up at him.

"I know" I say softly.

I stare into his blue eyes, his staring back at mine. He leaned down and pressed a kiss on my lips, his fingers still cradling my chin.

A warmth spread inside me, calming me immediately.

The kiss lingered for a while. We pulled apart and I rested my head back on Tommy's shoulder, letting out a big sigh.

Tom pressed another kiss on the top of my head, rubbing my shoulder, "you can stay as long as you want Y/n"

"Thank you" I say as I snuggle up against his warm body.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you all enjoyed it! I've been feeling a lot better atm. I'm getting ideas again, so I can continue writing!

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