Vile man - Jack Manifold (ROM)

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Tw: attempt of sexual assault (also note that Jack does NOT try anything, he in fact comforts you after the events. Once again Jack in this oneshot doesn't try to assault you. And nothing sex wise happenes)
Reader pronouns: she/her
Length: short


Y/n's pov

The music was blaring, sweaty bodies dancing around me. I hated theses sort of situations. At parties, I preferred to sit and observe the people, not get stuck in the middle of dancing people.

It was 11:30 pm, I was already tired, I was too stressed out and exhausted to walk home, so I texted my boyfriend.

Bald dude💛

Hey sorry to bother you Jack. I know your probably asleep but do you mind coming and picking me up from this party? I'm kinda uncomfortable.

Yeah of course. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Will you be okay?

I think so. Just please be quick.

On my way

I clicked off my phone and took a sip of my water, I didn't want to drink anything alcoholic. The party was for a friend's birthday so I had to attend.

I decided to go out onto the porch and get some fresh air.

As I stepped onto the porch I felt the cool night air hit me softly, I sighed and sat down on a outdoor sofa that was placed to my left. Luckily there was nobody out on the porch so I was by myself.

I took another sip of my drink and a young man, about my age, strode onto the porch. He had short dark brown hair, It was relatively straight, with a drink in hand.

"Evening lady" he slurred, raising his glass. He was obviously very drunk.

"Hiya" I say back politely, I turn my head and peer at the garden, trying to avoid any contact with this man.

"So. Lady. What brings you to this party?" He asked as he took a step closer to me.

I wasn't really able to move from my spot as the sofa was in the corner.

"Um. I'm friends with the host." I simply say.

"Hmm. So what's a sexy lady like you doing out here, allll by herself?" He slurred again.

I instantly knew what he was trying to do, but I couldn't get out because he was gradually getting closer to me, blocking any sort of exit.

My heart began pounding in my chest. Jack, hurry up, I thought.

"Ah I was just getting some fresh air. But if you don't mind, I'll go back-" I say as I begin to stand up, but was instantly pushed back down harshly.

"Ah ah, where d'you think your going?" The man said as he leaned closer to me, placing his drink on the fence. His breath reeked of alcohol.

My heart was beating violently in my chest, the man's hand slithered to my knee then to my thigh. I gasped slightly at his vile touch.

"S-stop!" I say sternly. I wanted to run, I wanted to punch him in the face, but my body was betraying me, I sat frozen with fear, unable to move.

He swiftly grabbed both my wrists and pinned them above my head with his right hand.

I thrashed against his grip but he was too strong.

His fingers slid up my shirt to my back, he pulled apart my knees and slowly slid between them.

Just before he could do anything else, I heard a honk of a car horn. The man whipped his head in the direction of the sound. I peered over as well to see Jack jumping out of his car.

"OI! What the fuck do you think your doing!?" Jack shouted as he sprinted up the porch steps.

The man instantly let go of me and backed away. I caught my breath and let out a panicked sigh, my breathing still heavy and my body trembling.

Jack strode up to the man and slammed his fist into his face. He fell to the ground, whimpering in pain.

Jack immediately spun around and hurried towards me.

"Y/n! Please tell me your okay." He questioned.

My mind was blurry, I just wanted to get away from the man.

"Car. Please." Is all I managed to say. Jack understood instantly, grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car.

"Your gonna pay for that!" Screamed the man from the porch.

"I'm gonna kill him." Jack said with pure anger in his voice, as he turned to the house again.

"No! No. Just stay please. Please." I stammer as a wrap my arms tightly around his torso.

He immediately hugs me back, his tense body relaxing.

"Let's get you into the car okay?" Jack mumbled into my ear.

I nodded against his chest and let go. I slowly slid into his car, Jack closing the door after me.

He quickly got into the drivers seat and drove off. Not a single word was exchanged during the ride home.

Once we arrived at his apartment, he hurried to open the door for me and to help me out the car.

I smiled at him for his kind gesture.

As soon as we reached his floor, I immediately walked over to his sofa and sat down. Hugging my knees to my chest. The events of the night flashing in my head.

Jack joined me and started rubbing my back for comfort. I slowly leaned against him, his arm wrapping around my shoulder, the other around my knees.

He stroked my knees with his thumb and kissed me on the top of my head, leaning his head against mine afterwards.

"It's going to be okay. Your safe with me." He mumbled. I already felt safer.

A/N: please remember to stay safe out there ladies. Always think three steps ahead. Hope you enjoyed and stay safe <3

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