Chapter 13

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"Sofi," Camila breathed out and couldn't take her eyes off of the girl in front of her. She had grown a lot and Camila felt a pang in her chest with the knowledge that she had missed it.

Sofi looked confused for a moment and stared at Camila, seemingly not recognizing her. Did Sofi really forget her? Camila bit her lip. She knew it would hurt, but she never thought it would hurt that much. It felt like someone was literally ripping her heart out of her body.

But then the confusion slowly left her face and Sofi narrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing here?!" she spat at her in a tone that Camila had never heard from her before.

"Sofia!" Sinu scolded. "Don't talk to your sister like that!"

For a short moment it was quiet, as Camila and Sofi stared deeply into each others eyes.

"Sof..." she began, but Sofi cut her off.

"I don't have a sister," Sofi stated firmly, before turning on her heels and quickly running out of the room.

"Sofia Isabella!" Sinu yelled after her.

Camila struggled to breathe as she felt her heart breaking and she got dizzy. She knew that those words would haunt her for the rest of her life. I don't have a sister. She had fucked up. She had officially lost the one person that meant more to her than life itself.

"She didn't mean it," her mother said quietly, but Camila shook her head.

"No, it's... it's fine," she forced out.

"She's only upset. She's going to hold a grudge for a little while, but she will come around. I promise you, mija."

"How can you possibly know that?" Camila croaked out and buried her head in her hands. She had failed. Sofi hated her. Her worst fear became true.I don't have a sister. "She hates me..."

"She doesn't hate you," her mother said sternly. "She's disappointed and angry and doesn't understand. But she could never hate you. I tried to explain why you weren't there anymore, and don't look at me like that," she quickly added when Camila whipped her head around to face her. "I told her the truth. I said that it wasn't your fault and that we, your father and I, were the ones to blame. She didn't talk to us either for a couple of weeks..."

A couple of weeks?! Camila's lips trembled and she balled up her fists. But it was her own fault. It didn't matter what her mother said, she could have contacted Sofi somehow. She had never tried. She had just given up, forgetting that Sofi had lost not only her sister but her best friend as well that night.

"Maybe you should try and talk to her?" her mother suggested, but Camila shook her head. "Mija, Sofia thinks that you left her alone. You have to explain to her that it wasn't like that and that you missed her just as much as she missed you."

"I don't... I don't know what to say," she mumbled and looked down at her fists. "There is nothing I could say that will make this alright."

"So, what do you want to do? Leave this house and never look back?" her mother asked sharply. "This will not do any of you good. It will only manifest that grudge of hers. It will be a proof to her that she never meant anything to you. Do you want to let her think that?"

Camila glanced up. "No, of course not. She's my world."

"Then you have to go up there and talk to her. She is going to be mad and hurt, but you have to tell her what happened. She's a smart girl, she will understand. Maybe not today or tomorrow, or even next week. But she will forgive you when she's ready."

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